not sure where to put this. I'm assuming this is a no-no..but if you have baseboard heating around the room, where does the crib go? There are two walls we could put the of which is against a baseboard heater, one is not.

We assembled the crib against the wall that doesn't have the heater - but, it's making furniture placement for the glider difficult. Very awkward room. If it's a matter of safety we'll make do - but what's okay in this scenario?

ETA - we are going to leave the crib where it is, but I'm also interested to see what others have/are going do to just out of curiosity. pretty sure our heaters are forced water - and they're all over the house (our living room literally has one wall not with them). I'm trying to figure out the rest of the house as well as far as swings, play pens, etc. darn old houses!!