I am absolutely terrified.....but on Saturday afternoon my DH and I are going to convert the twins' cribs into toddler beds. (DD and DS are 3yo)
There are 8 million variables and so many things are going to go wrong.....how long will they goof off at night..... are naps going to be completely over in 3 days even though I know developmentally the kids still need them? Just so many thoughts...
My question for HB is this.....(yes, I know this sounds silly, but I just need to crowd source this one....)
Did you "unveil" the bed at bedtime or before?
[I mean nothing fancy by this ... like literally, should I walk them into the room before dinner and show them... or wait until teeth are brushed/PJs on and we walk in for bedtime story....]
Part of me thinks it would be good to digest the change before the bedtime routine and part of me thinks it will give them time to play and think of their new bed as a play space....