DS has gone from crawling, to pulling up, to trying to cruise - all in the space of about 2 weeks. All he wants to do all day is stand holding on to our coffee table with one hand and testing his balance as he moves his feet around.

He falls over ALL THE TIME, I mean this kid is black and blue. He has bruises all over his head, face, legs, everywhere. It's not that he hits himself on the coffee table (although he does occasionally - it's not sharp though) - it is mostly the floor that he hits himself on, or sometimes he lands on a toy.

The floors are wood, but I don't have the space to pen him in anywhere, and he would be absolutely furious if I did. Sometimes I happen to be behind him so I can catch him, but I don't stick by his side constantly and I never discourage pulling up on anything unless it could fall on him or is sharp.

My question is, should I be intervening more? Is it normal for them to fall over every 5 minutes or is he just accident prone? He gets very upset for about 30 seconds and then is straight up doing the exact same thing! I just feel so guilty about all the bumps and bruises, I don't see other kids covered in them!