My 3 year old is in a ballet class with kids between the ages of 3-4. She’s one of the younger ones in her class, which ranges in size from week to week but typically there are 4-8 kids in her class. One other little girl started the class around the same time as my daughter and seems to be about the same age. The little girl seems to purposefully run into other kids while dancing, but for whatever reason, she’s particularly keen on ramming into my daughter. At first I just laughed it off but she’s done it at several classes now and I can tell it’s annoying my daughter who keeps trying to scoot away. My daughter is on the shy side and it took time for her to warm up to doing these classes (she loves them now) and I don’t want her experience with the other little girl to ruin it for her. Generally I like to let kids work things out for themselves and mabye that’s still the right call, but I feel awkward ignoring the situation and seeing the other girl constantly running into my daughter on purpose. The other mom is there as well but she just laughs and at most just encourages her daughter to pay attention. The teacher tries to redirect the little girl but she has several kids who want her attention so she can’t spend the class guiding just one child.
Is this something I raise to the mom or teacher if the little girl continues or gets more aggressive with the shoving? I feel a little silly and I don’t want to insult the mom by raising the issue or ruin the fun of a little girl, but I also want to keep my daughter excited and engaged by her classes and not get intimidated by a classmate. What do you all think? Leave it be and let the kids (and teacher, if needed) work it out naturally? Or say something?