I am trying to not be overly dramatic but MIL has a mouth of a sailor, I am not kidding when I say the f bomb is dropped 5-10 times per conversation! She has no filter and even around LO!
I told DH how much it upsets me months ago as he has told her to tone it down as LO is a PARROT! But again today it wasn't the f word but...the word sh** almost 20-40 times as she told us a story ... I mean C'mon!!!!!!
I honestly felt like it was on purpose to see what I would do! I finally did say watch it she will copy you, smiling, but inside I was boiling!
DH has mentioned it multiple times to her too!
What else do I do?!
I just don't understand, why would you even want your grandchild to hear you say such words?!
Even if you said it around your kids and your other grandchild and it was ok, we have said it is not OK with us!
I just feel like she could care less.....hurts as I feel like if you can't even care about respecting us with this small issue....how can I trust you to babysit!