Ok, so this is really getting to me now and I was wondering if this is more common that I thought.

My mom passed away last year after a battle with cancer and we are still kind of reeling from it. We knew it didn't look good but it all kind of happened so quickly that we weren't really prepared, though are you really ever?

Anyway, her sister had been going over and helping to take care of things around the house and continued to do so after she passed. My mom was a packrat and it was a lot for my dad to handle so it was nice of her to do. But then it started to turn into something else. We noticed that they always showed up to family things together and that she was ALWAYS at the house and she started saying things like, "We do this" and "We don't have that". Always with the we.

I tried to ignore it and that worked for a while but now she's losing her house and she's going to be moving in with him in a few months. Basically 1 year after my mom passed. And he's never spoken to us about it, just casually mentioned that she was moving out of her house and implying that she was going to live with him now. And it's obvious that they're in a relationship.

I am uncomfortable with this relationship for all the obvious reasons, but also because she has problems with alcohol and has no relationship with any of her 7 children and doesn't see a problem with that. She's a one of those people who's always a victim/martyr.

I feel like he doesn't deserve that after everything with my mom but on the other hand, he's a grown man so he can make his decisions.

Anyway, this is a long post to say that after stressing for over a week I finally sent him a note yesterday saying that I don't want him bringing her to my daughter's b-day party this weekend and she isn't invited to any event that I'm hosting. And I haven't heard back from him and it's completely stressing me out.

Aside from her issues, are there other families where aunts & uncles start dating? I mean, they have known eachother for 35 years or so.