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Day 2 of potty training & no poop...

  1. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: @daniellemybelle: poo took K a month longer than pee, and he was three! The book "where's the poop" helped a lot. What it finally took was me plopping him on the potty mid-poop (in his undies) and half went in the potty before he knew what was happening. After that he seemed to get it and was much less resistant.

    I know it doesn't seem like it right now but you'll get there!

  2. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Mrs. Tiger: Thank you for the encouragement!

    LO pooped in her nap time pull-up again yesterday. So basically since she's been potty trained she is pooping every other day during her nap. I wouldn't be too worried about this if she wasn't constantly telling me that she needs to poop, that "poo poo hurts," and visibly holding it. Oh, and her poop is super hard and dark.

    The pediatrician recommended Miralax but I feel like that is a pretty drastic step if she is still going every other day...?

    I'm trying everything I can to get her poop softer and help her go. The pediatrician also suggested pear nectar so we got that and mixed it with water, but the second ingredient is HFCS I mentioned that to the nurse and she said, "Yeah, the sugar agitates the bowels." And her behavior, haha! Apparently there are organic brands with no added sugar though, so I am going to try to find that... Anything to get her pooping regularly again!

  3. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    @daniellemybelle: what about making pearsauce?

  4. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Mrs. Tiger: That's a good idea! Apparently pear nectar is pear puree (or pearsauce) thinned out with water and pear juice. And in the case of conventional brands, HFCS, ha.

  5. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    According to AHA parenting, "Usually bowel training is easiest to control and happens first. If your child has mastered peeing in the toilet but not bowel training, he is probably afraid of the toilet and needs some reassurance. Or, he is used to the feeling of squatting and needs more support under his feet so he can push."

    Can she verbaliZe why she won't go poop in the toilet?

  6. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @catomd00: Interesting - I have heard from so many people that their LO pee trained first!

    She's definitely not afraid of the toilet. She loves everything about it. In fact, I joked to DH that we should have her birthday party in a public restroom because it is her new favorite place!

    She has watched The Poop Song on YouTube a million times and when she poops in her pull-up, we flush it and she likes to see it, sing the song, etc. I haven't been negative about it - I say, "Oh, your belly must feel better now! Let's go put your poo poo in the potty since that's where all poop goes, right?" And she's totally enthusiastic. The only negativity I've seen from her is seeming kind of concerned about pooping on Sophia the First who is on her pull-up, ha.

    The only thing she's said is, "Poo poo hurts." She's just 23 months so she's not great at answering "Why" questions.

    She's never been constipated before, but I'm guessing the first day she held it from the usual hesitance toward something new and also just not wanting to stop what she was doing since pooping takes a while. And then her stool got harder and more difficult to pass... so now it's a cycle.

    I feel like if she could just get it in the potty once she'd "get it" and we could get over the hump. But honestly as long as she's regular I'm not too worried about it. She pooped in her nap time pull up again today and it was a softer stool so that was reassuring.

  7. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @daniellemybelle: I am pretty sure the book says don't let them flush it if they go in pull ups. What incentive does it give her to go on the potty? Flushing is the fun part for them.

  8. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Smurfette: All it says is that it doesn't teach them anything so there's no point. Not that it's detrimental. I felt like it was a good idea for her - I'm good with making small amendments

  9. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @daniellemybelle: I felt the same way, that if she would just poop in the potty she would get it and everything would click. That didn't happen. She would poop in the toilet occasionally, but it was scary for her for a while. She wasn't scared of the potty, but pooping in it made her very uncomfortable. It's a big change! From what I've read, this seems to be pretty normal. I think the most important thing you can do is not pressure her... or yourself! It will happen. Since she's getting better at peeing in the potty, she definitely understands the concept of using the toilet. It will just take her some time to be comfortable. It's not easy, but try to follow her lead. My advice is to offer up the potty, ask her occasionally if she feels like she needs to poop, but don't push it. She'll get more comfortable over time. I'd let her poop in her pull up for as long as she needs until she's ready to be done with it. I tried pushing Sadie into it too, because I just wanted it all to be done at the same time, but as you know... toddlers do what they want to do!

  10. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @photojane: Thanks for your advice! Honestly, as long as she is not making herself constipated I am not too worried about it right now. The concern was with her holding it for days but hopefully we are past that.

    And for the OCPT folks, the author says that "many, many kids resolve this on their own": http://www.jamieglowacki.com/potty-training-q-a-pooping-in-napnight-diaper/ I am going to give it a while!

  11. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @daniellemybelle: Reviving this thread. Any improvements?

    DS is just about to turn 3 and pees on the potty fine. He's really scared of pooping on the potty though so I'm coming in to see if your LO's poop withholding resolved itself?

  12. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    We've been potty training our 22 month old for 3 weeks and he's having a hard time with the poop too. He'll start in his underwear and then make it to the bathroom to finish. Ugh. But for pee, I thought he was holding it longer but actually I think it is just his normal peeing now that we stopped pushing liquids all the time. We give him granola for breakfast every day and don't have problems with constipation. If we catch him pooping we sit him on the toilet and read books to get him to stay longer and finish. He also didn't get the difference between peeing and pooping muscles at first so if we told him to pee sometimes it yielded better results that telling him to poop. I don't know if any of this will help but I wanted to commiserate that figuring out pooping is hard!

  13. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @ValentineMommy: @brownepiano: I came back to this thread to share it with someone else who posted about poop holding - it definitely sorted itself out! She pooped in her pull up for the first week or two and then just kind of started pooping on the potty one day! It wasn't super consistent but I would say after about 3 weeks or so she was exclusively pooping on the potty. She's great about it now, 6 months later!


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