I think my little one, along with DH and I, are dealing with our first cold. She's 3 months old and has had a bad cough for a week now.

I've called our Ped and they don't think its necessary to see her yet, but I just don't know what I'm dealing with. She started coughing last Saturday, it was really dry at the time and she'd have a quick spell and it'd be over. That same day my throat felt scratchy. Since then DH and I are wondering if he and I are dealing with allergies/post-nasal drip because we both have scratchy throats and bad congestion.

Since last weekend her cough has become crackly. She usually has her spells in the morning, evening and over-night. During the day she's very much her usual self. Also, she's been nursing non-stop lately and also has been sleeping HORRIBLY...

Does this sound like a cold or do you think she's dealing with allergies? She's had her first DTap shot and I have a second call into her Ped.