My husband has severe nature-based allergies (grass, pollen, ragweed, etc). He spent most of his life not being able to breathe through his nose due to allergy-induced nasal polyps. He has had surgery for this issue twice in the past 5 years. He has gotten allergy shots weekly for about 3 years and just moved to biweekly. He is already doing nasal rinses and OTC meds. No vaporub bc of eczema and no humidifier bc of asthma. We washed all our sheets (dust mite allergies), changed the air filter, vacuum, and don't open the windows. But he still can't breathe through his nose and hasn't been able to for 2-3 weeks his ENT can't see him until the 30th.

Please give me your best tips or remedies for sinuses and allergies. Looking for something we haven't tried before!