grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Tionn3: I did host and have hardly any leftovers! Good luck this cycle!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@DaniNae: without more info it's hard to tell. If you were doing opk or tracking cm consistently. No ewcm or watery leads me to believe no O or cd18?
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@DaniNae: i m not good at reading charts at all, but I would guess cd 16!
"TWW, TWW, Welcome to the TWW!" I have that little jingle in my head lol.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@dc yoga bee: I hear you! I'm 9dpo (or maybe 8 or 10 depending) and i'm trying my hardest not to test cause I don't want the disappointment.
nectarine / 2180 posts
Looks like I have 2 likely follicles, 13-14mm. I go in for more blood work and another ultrasound on Thursday and potentially trigger then.
kiwi / 680 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I always think it is so cool that they can see the follicles on the ultra sound. Did they say how big they are supposed to get before they trigger?
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Tionn3: It was really cool to see, even I could identify the follicles she was talking about. My nurse said that 20-22mm indicates a mature follicle
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Hopefully joining. Got a bfp last month but sadly it's ending in mc. If all goes smoothly with the miscarriage and if I ovulate normally I'll be in for the end of the month...
pear / 1788 posts
@snarkybiochemist: woo! It's working!
@knittylady: so sorry for your loss. You are very welcome here.
Positive opk tonight! One last bd and then onto the tww! Fingers crossed!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: yay!
@knittylady: sorry for your loss
I'm somewhere between 9-10dpo and this morning. I was super disappointed so I guess I was more hopeful this cycle than I thought.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@knittylady: So sorry
@Banana330: Sorry about the bfn, it's still early but I know it's hard to feel hopeful after months without anything....
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: @jhd: I was happy, I have to wait until tomorrow for another ultrasound and monitoring. I won't know what to do with myself not heading to the doctors office multiple times a week
cherry / 125 posts
I was supposed to wait to poas but of course I tried this I seeing things? Not the best picture, but was running out to work. Panicking slightly lol
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@Spinny: Definitely looks like the start of something to me! What DPO are you?
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Also, I'll try out optimism and say put me down for POAS December 24th. Great timing right? Oof. This is assuming I have a somewhat normal cycle after the mc is over...
cherry / 125 posts
@knittylady: 10 DPO and I couldn't hold it at 5am when I got up with my son, so this is only a 2 hour hold. I'm going to get a freer at lunch
pear / 1788 posts
@Spinny: yes, frer! That's what my wondfo looked like when I got an obvious positive on a frer with DD.
pear / 1788 posts
Eh, FF shifted my O date to tomorrow, as I got positive opks today too. I think O is likely tonight, but whatever. Just means that we have another bd date tonight. Doesn't change my POAS day. Ugh, ttc!
cherry / 125 posts
Well, it's early, but definitely positive! It took a year to conceive my son, so I wasn't expecting this to happen so quickly....
nectarine / 2317 posts
Lots of POAS twins this month! [:goodluck:] Ladies!
Congrats! SPINNY
Dec 2 - banana330
Dec 3 - MRS. D
Dec 4 - TIONN3,
Dec 7 - periwinklebee
Dec 10 - jhd
Dec 13 - LEM93, MRS. MICROSCOPE, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Banana330: I think I will O this weekend, so put me down for 12/18
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Banana330: I'm sorry. It's still early yet!
@Mrs. Microscope: Always nice to have an extra chance. Hopefully, o is tomorrow so you don't have to keep having extra chances. It gets tiring lol.
@Spinny: I see it in both! Congrats!
@snarkybiochemist: I hope your ultrasound goes well tomorrow!
pea / 17 posts
Hi ladies, I'm new here! Thought I would join you all during this TWW.
Cycle Day: CD21
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: 11/20
POAS Date: 12/4
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: I'm experiencing some mild cramps (or I think I am- I'm going crazy) during this TWW and there's what might be considered an implantation dip on my chart... This is just me being hopeful!
For Fun: What's your favourite winter activity? I'm not a huge fan of winter, but ice skating would have to be my favorite!
nectarine / 2180 posts
My trigger shot is hanging out in my fridge, tomorrow I find out when I use it and then lots of sex for me this weekend
nectarine / 2317 posts
Lots of POAS twins this month! [:goodluck:] Ladies!
Congrats! [:bfp:] SPINNY
Dec 2 - banana330
Dec 3 - MRS. D
Dec 4 - TIONN3, Babybeeforme
Dec 7 - periwinklebee
Dec 10 - jhd
Dec 13 - LEM93, MRS. MICROSCOPE, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: thanks
I trigger tonight, 2 good follicles at 19 and 20 mm.
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