Those with multiple kids, how do you organize toys? My mom is in town and thinks its CRAZY the amount of toys and kid stuff we have for 2 kids that are full time in daycare.

Clothes -
Big Sister (age 4) has a dresser, a dressing table, and a closet of hanging clothes.
Little Brother (age 1) has a tall dresser, closet of hanging clothes and a bin under his crib of clothes to grow into.
- Both have a bin on a shelf in their closet for stuff they outgrow. I sell twice per year.

Toys -
She has 3 pull out bins of toys under her bed for a toy rotation. She has a bin of craft supplies on the back porch, after the baby she doesn't have much in the living room.
Baby has lots of toys in multiple bins in the living room. And then around the house a walker, a zany zoo, a cozy coupe, and a ride on toy. So it feels like a lot.