I have a lot of friends whose advancement at work was hurt by going on mat leave, and were passed over during promotion time.
Did going on mat leave set you back, or did you have a progressive boss?
I have a lot of friends whose advancement at work was hurt by going on mat leave, and were passed over during promotion time.
Did going on mat leave set you back, or did you have a progressive boss?
pomegranate / 3759 posts
Well i'm not sure if it was because of my mat leave, but my position has always been a part time temporary position. I'm due back at work in June but my position expires end of March. They were able to make my position a full time permanent position so that means they had to re-post it and anyone could apply. Well they guy who is covering my leave applied and has more seniority (union crap, yay :() so he got my job and I got nothing. Ridiculous.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I am in sales and got placed on a 90 day Performance Improvement Plan when I returned from maternity leave. The requirements of the plan included tons of prijects, activies, meetings, and trainings (some overnight travel), on top of requiring me to hit extremely high sales quotas. The intention was to send the message that having a small child would not be allowed to interfere with getting the company sales results. And if it does interfere or I'm not comfortable leaving my baby for all of the things that occur outside of normal business hours, then they can let me go and find someone who's willing to put work first.
I am leaving anyway in July, which they are unaware of, bc we are moving out of state and that's when our house is expected to be finished. So I'm just riding it out and trying not to stress too much. I've already declined a couple of things they wanted me to travel for bc I told them I was not comfortable leaving LO for multiple nights with the nanny (DH works offshore so is gone 50% of time). They said ok, but I'm sure they're planning to can me with a big fat "Unable to meet requirements of job" speech.
I honestly wish every day they'd go ahead and do it so I can just stay home and be done until we move. It's very painful that they're dragging it out.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@PrincessBaby: I'm so sorry. That's awful. I had to quit my last job when they told me all my overtime hours had to be worked in the office and time taken off to take care of my son when he was sick was unpaid. Ridiculous...
I ended up quitting the job I had before pregnancy/during pregnancy because it was an awful commute. I got another job and it was worse, the restrictions they placed on me were unacceptable, so I quit that job. I'm happy with my current job but it's definitely a step back in my career. I should be a senior manager but I'm only a manager.
honeydew / 7444 posts
@Lindsay05: Don't even get me started on unions. That really sucks for you!
@PrincessBaby: I hate PIPs, especially when companies abuse them (i.e., use it to get rid of someone). The fact that you got it right after coming back from mat leave is also infuriating. I hope you're able to ride it out until you move, and then you can just stick it to them!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@littlek: Thank you:). Glad you're happier now:)
@Freckles: I have a fantasy that they call me in and somehow they decide to keep me bc my numbers are really good and after they tell me that, I say, "Thank you. I'd like to hand in my resignation now." But really I'd prefer for them to can me so that I could potentially get a severance and unemployment.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@PrincessBaby: I am not sure that this is legal. Did they have documented performance issues that were unrelated to your leave? Discrimination for pregnancy is illegal. Now, if there was performance issues and those issues are treated the same for both men and women, and women not pregnant it would be legal.
I personally was discriminated against when I wanted to get pregnant. I also got a PIP based on lies by my boss. I ended up getting those fixed and found a new job.
honeydew / 7444 posts
@brownie: @PrincessBaby: Exactly, i thought the timing bordered on discrimination. I'm surprised that your HR dept even approved it, especially if there were no performance issues brought up beforehand. Firing for poor performance is one of the hardest reasons to justify. I know at one of my previous jobs, it takes 1 year to let the person go for performance issues. The company has to show that they provided the support and help needed to make the PIP successful.
pomelo / 5524 posts
I was passed over for a promotion during my maternity leave. It made me pretty angry. I'm making a case right now as to why I should be promoted mid-year since my colleague who wasn't on maternity leave got the promotion over me and I do far more than she does.
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
@PrincessBaby: that is outrageous and I'm pretty sure in Canada that might be illegal!!!
My mat leave (12 months) didn't affect my job one ioata. I came back and it's like I never left, I've even been selected for a new program as a leader in my office. My boss put me up for it while I was on mat leave knowing it would be a good fit when I came back. I'm incredibly lucky.
pomegranate / 3759 posts
@PrincessBaby: That is RIDICULOUS. How in this day and age that be even a consideration.
For my situation I see it as a blessing in disguise. Maybe it means I was meant to stay at home with my LO. Family will always come first for me so if I ever have a boss who makes me decide, I will tell them to shove it. ( I obviously see the dilemma where the extra income is needed though. (That's Tough)
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@PrincessBaby: WTF kind of plan is that?! That’s absolutely horrible, and so not right!!
@Lindsay05: what the crap?! So sorry girl!
@prettylizy: Yay!! Good for your boss realizing your potential and capabilities and overlooking having a baby has a deterrent! Even after a year leave, that’s awesome!!
I'm currently pregnant, but part 2 of our performance review is in November which would be when I return from maternity leave. No idea how this will affect my review which will affect my raise! I'm scared/nervous.
coconut / 8483 posts
I don't have a LO yet, but it will hurt me as I'm in sales. I'm also in Canada so I will take a year off and then have to start things all over again. My boss has literally told other people that took mat leave "you'd be in a lot better position if you hadn't taken those years off..."
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
I haven't gone on maternity leave yet, but I requested 5 months off for mine and that time was approved. A week after telling them about the pregnancy they promoted me and said my mat leave wouldn't change--I could still take 5 months. So I feel very fortunate to work for a progressive, family-oriented company!
honeydew / 7444 posts
@lawbee11: @prettylizy: That's awesome. I was also shocked when i got promoted before going on a 1 year mat leave. I think it only benefits the company in the long run if they are able to see the bigger picture. I know for sure that i'll be staying at this company for a long time.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
I wouldn't get passed up for a promotion for going on maternity leave, but I know that it will be several years before I get promoted because there are people here who have been waiting much longer than me and are more senior. It's a really good company to work for so people never leave and only a few employees are promoted every year out of hundreds, so you literally have to wait your turn. I've counted before and in my immediate group there are about 8 people in my same exact position who are more senior and have been here longer so they will definitely go first.
nectarine / 2797 posts
I don't think maternity leave hurt my career at all. I had my annual review a few weeks after coming back from 3 months off and got a favorable review. I do struggle personally because I can't work the extra hours I did before so I feel guilty that it takes me longer to respond to some things than it did before, but I've been assured I am still doing a good job.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@lawbee11: 5 months?! That's freakin awesome!!!!!!! Totally jealous!
@Mrs. Champagne: Ugh! WTF!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I had a not great first quarter last year after a merger gave me a totally new (larger) territory and I had to start from scratch... I got the numbers up for Q2 and by Q3 and Q 4 was doing pretty well, but they gave me my formal annual review when I got back from maternity leave, and they only based it on Q1-3, and averaged the 3 quarters together so my Q1 pulled my overall performance rating down. I was stunned that it was done that way, but like I said, there was a merger and this was my first annual review with the new company, and I wasnt aware they "averaged" it out that way. My husband and I discussed possibly meeting w/an employment attorney, but my company is a Fortune 100 company and has a ton of attorneys on retainer, and from what I understand any mention of getting legal involved forces them to immediately turn everything over to their attorneys, and a big headache ensues from there, and they make sure it all goes very slow. That combined with the fact that I am leaving anyway and just am exhausted and want to be done just made us decide to ride this out and then leave it alone. I dont feel like fighting for this job, especially not taking on attorney fees for something that's going to be tied up for ages with their inhouse legal team.
They're just too big and I'n just too tired.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@LindsayInNYC: Oh I don't work at a firm! I have a more non-traditional legal job. I would imagine that firms that give that much maternity leave are few and far between!
bananas / 9229 posts
@lawbee11: Now I'm curious what you do!! My firm is fairly generous compared to previous ones I've worked at (thank god!) but, as much as I like it, it's not a long term deal for me. I don't think the billables will be as manageable with a kid, unfortunately. =/
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@lawbee11: that's amazing! i'm very jealous. i don't think my firm has a fixed mat policy, but the only way to get promoted is to make partner, and i do think having a kid will hold me back a little in that department (how much remains to be seen!)
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@PrincessBaby: Interesting. Yeah, that doesn't sound legal but I totally understand. I felt exactly the same way and that is why I didn't pursue anything. Good luck in your future and getting away. Sometimes feeling like you can get away is all you need.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Seeing as how I was part of a group that god laid off half a year later I will say it def hurt me.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
I think mine def hurt me but I was told that it didn't when I tried to argue my last review. I think it depends.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
@Lindsay05: I am a part of a union and I think it has helped to protect my job while being on mat leave. While I can understand why you might think that unions promote laziness, it is also very helpful. Being a part of a union doesn't make me do my job any less than I normally would.
pomegranate / 3759 posts
@Rubies: Does it make you strive to do more than you should? If you are truly a hard worker then you probably do and always want to do the best at your job. But the MANY who are in my area of work and protected by the union do just enough to get by and no more than that. We have no performance reviews which determine whether you have an increase in pay, a promotion or anything. If you get an increase in pay, the person who calls in sick once every two weeks gets that same increase in pay, and you are probably the one covering their butt. Sorry, I didn't mean to assume all are lazy in the union. Yes unions are wonderful for protecting the worker which in this day and age, is not a positive thing, IMO.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@PrincessBaby: wow just wow.
I only know one other coworker along time ago who left the position after returning from mat leave to become a SAHM. I need wish there were mamas on the job, so I I b would know X what to expect.
bananas / 9229 posts
@Pirouette: Same here but honestly, I'm not interested in making partner. I hope to go in-house at some point for a little better work-life balance.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LindsayInNYC: I've been thinking about this a lot lately, obviously b/c of TTC. my job is way more flexible than most with hours/billables, so I can definitely make it work. I think i want to make partner here, it's always been the plan, but i'd be lying if i said i don't have dreams of having a nice flexible in-house job! especially the business development aspect, i mean what kind of working mom has time for that?!
bananas / 9229 posts
@Pirouette: Mine's relatively flexible with hours - I've worked at firms where face time was everything. Didn't matter if you had a sick one. If you weren't in the office they basically treated you like you weren't working (aka out on sick/vacation time). I'm in our firms smallest office (all women attorneys too) which really helps things. But the billing has always been a struggle for me and I don't know if it will ever get better or easier.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LindsayInNYC: I hear you. i hate billing too. but it is amazing that you work with all women, there are almost none here! i really love my job though, i guess the question is do i love my boss's job and is it the job i want for the rest of my career? It's a tough call, and it's not entirely MY call!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I took 2 years off and have recently begun working again, full time. I was able to make a smooth re-entry into the workplace and so far, there are no signs that taking the time off has negatively impacted my career.
coconut / 8472 posts
I haven't experience myself so far, luckily. I just told my current boss I'm pregnant and she was super excited. She just had her second child within the last year so she is very supportive. She was even encouraging me to think about working 3 days/week instead of 5, like she does.
But I've seen it happen to other women, unfortunately. A good friend of mine got "mommy tracked" after having her first, and she just had her 2nd and I think will miss the annual review (where they determine promotions and raises) and I think she's just SOL until next year.
Also, my former boss had a baby last year and the month she returned to work she was included in a lay off. I'm not even sure how that's legal. FMLA guarantees you a job when you return, but I guess there's no guarantee for how long you have it? So shady.
persimmon / 1472 posts
I think it did. I went back to my former company about 6 months before finding out I was pregnant (we were NTNP) and when I started back, I was working remotely and gearing to help them expand their business. They already had a lead and were looking into expanding and I had moved to the area that coincided with that expansion, and my original departure was due to relocating for family, so they contacted me. Well, the first day back after leave at 10am I was on conference call with my bosses and told I'd no longer be managing my projects but would "help as see fit". FYI I was PM for this company for 4 years before I relocated and managed all projects the whole time before leave, so it was a HUGE slap in the face. I cried when I got off the phone with them. The next four months consisted of me "helping" with menial tasks (I felt like a fresh graduate - if it helps place the situation) and meanwhile, hearing that this-and-that project was not meeting it's deadlines. My client (or, former) was NOT happy and they were shooting themselves in the foot. I got canned exactly 4 months after I returned from maternity leave.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
I got a promotion 2 days before I went on leave, so no. Suffice to say, I have an amazing boss.
apricot / 288 posts
I'm meeting with my manager and the boss tomorrow (a week before I return from maternity leave). I'm not sure what they have in mind for me. I know they want me back, and I know they're happy that I'm returning full time. When I went for a visit a month ago with my daughter, the boss said he "has plans for me". So we'll see tomorrow!
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