The post yesterday about the woman wanting to have a child on her own got me wondering how many of us have experience from the child's perspective of only having 1 parent in the home..... I already know from a past poll very few of us have the perspective of being the single parent (less than .05%) so I thought I'd ask about the other side.

Even though my parents divorced while I was a teen I would say I grew up in a 2 parent home & then I basically moved out on my own.

(wasn't sure the best board so I chose family, do move if another board suites the question better).

ETA: DH grew up in a single parent home just about his whole life (I think he may have been toddler age when his dad left) and really didn't have a relationship with his dad even though they lived in the same city. He does have a semi relationship as an adult though.

Is your DH's family background the same as yours?