Just curious. There seems to be a lot of new Hb newborns and there seems to be either an attitude of "yes we went everywhere!" and "it was miserable." I know in reality most probably fall somewhere between the two, but if you had to pick...
Just curious. There seems to be a lot of new Hb newborns and there seems to be either an attitude of "yes we went everywhere!" and "it was miserable." I know in reality most probably fall somewhere between the two, but if you had to pick...
109 votes
papaya / 10473 posts
My LO is really, really easy. He's 4 weeks old. He doesn't sleep for long stretches at a time yet, but he's easy to soothe and it's easy to figure out his needs and placate him.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
I guess I'd vote easygoing because she loved being outside. It was one of our tricks for calming her was to take her outside. But it was still a lot less sleep at first and she wanted to be held always. As long as she was fed, changed, regular naps and outside some she wasn't all that hard to calm and would sleep pretty much anywhere (well attached to us but location didn't matter much).
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Hard to say. Compared so some he was a breeze, but it didn't feel that way. He wanted to be on the boob constantly and would scream bloody murder unless he was being held (I could sit and hold him but everyone else had to be standing). Being in the car or stroller would knock him out,but otherwise he wouldn't ever fall sleep except in someone's arms (preferably mine). We were able to take him out places because I wasn't shy about nursing in public...we could usually get home from the car to the table without waking him up, but if he woke up and fussed (which he would) I'd nurse.
My poor SIL, though, her second child was a monster. I knew DH but hadn't met the family yet when he was a newborn, but they all talk about it in hushed voices with vacant looks in their eyes. He screamed day and night. He would scream himself to sleep and cat nap for 15 minutes at a time. The only time he wasn't screaming was when he was nursing, and SIL says he'd glare at him the whole time. No matter what they tried or who had him he screamed. For 10 months. Day in, day out. Then he started crawling and it was like they had a new baby. Happiest baby all of a sudden (and a happy, easy child--one with a scratch, smoker's voice--probably from all of the screaming).
When he met E he asked his dad why the baby wouldn't stop crying...and the entire family cracked up.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
We had colic.... Screaming every night for 3 hours and lasted 3 weeks.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I don't know if he was easy, but he was soothable. If he fussed, I could usually figure out what to do. He fussed a lot. But we went out a lot.
squash / 13764 posts
Pretty easy for the most part...he generally was a good sleeper. Then we hit 4 months and it all fell apart!
honeydew / 7283 posts
I can't really call it colic because it was 24/7. We got the MSPI and reflux under control but at 9 months M is still a really high-needs baby. Apparently I was the same way so at least my mom understands. Some days are so tough but I think I appreciate the smiles and the giggles even more than most!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Totally easy except for some issues with breastfeeding (latch, etc.)
pomegranate / 3890 posts
he's was/is really laidback, we lucked out for sure but I def don't take it for granted!
kiwi / 500 posts
First one was a very easy baby. My second was completely opposite. Appetite was verocious! I couldn't get him off my boob long enough for me to shower. It was so exhausting. I wanted to give up ebf but he refused the bottle! All 20 of them that I bought and tried!! He would cat nap for 15 mins at a time and even with that 15 mins he wouldn't stay asleep unless I was next to him. He doesn't let anyone hold him besides me, my mil and fil and that was only 6 months in that he accepted them. He screams bloody murder in the car! He singlehandedly got me to decide to close the factory down! Can't do this again! But he is so darn cute looking I forget all the troubles the second he smiles at me!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Easy. She never cried. I went to her two week appointment convinced that I was forgetting to do something. I asked her ped if something was wrong because she didn't cry. We're totally screed for number two.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
I'd say fussy. She screamed bloody murder when in the car. She cried any time she wasn't being held and bounced around. She could only sleep on us. She nursed around the clock. She's now super easy-going and fun, but she was definitely high needs and tough to soothe in the early days.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Super easy! No feeding issues and a great sleeper from the start. She was so easy that I am absolutely terrified that this next one is going to be a monster!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
She was super easy. Slept all the time. Never cried. I got super lucky
kiwi / 538 posts
My son was "high needs". I spent most of the first 6 weeks bouncing with him on a yoga ball because that was the only thing that would keep him happy.
honeydew / 7091 posts
SO easy going. I'm scared to have another one and experience the opposite!
apricot / 303 posts
Little Miss Fussy Face. Does that mean my second is going to be easygoing?!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Fuh. Seeeeee.
Was convinced she was colicky until I eliminated dairy. Thank god.
honeydew / 7283 posts
So funny how those who had a screamer (I think I have PTSD from ours) are terrified to have a repeat and those who had an easygoing LO are scared their luck will run out. Looks like we're all afraid no matter what
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
He was so easy and stayed that way until he became a toddler. He's not difficult but just more energetic and smart.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
So easy. She's a doll. Makes me incredibly nervous to have a second. They both can't be so easy, right? Although, I do think the FFing plays into it - I can feed her anywhere with no issue, predictable feeding schedule, and STTN/no night feedings from early on.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
both charlie and olive were easy newborns. slept a lot and could take them out and they'd pass out. after 2 months, that started to change.
coconut / 8475 posts
He was a nightmare. It all flipped and became really great at about 11-13 weeks, anything before then was just terrible.
He is now so, so easy and pleasant. I can take him ANYWHERE and he is just such a good boy
nectarine / 2964 posts
I voted easygoing, but LO definitely was a colic / acid reflux baby. He was easy in terms of being able to nap anywhere (we could nap for a whole 2 hours in the stroller when we were in the mall, or a noisy restaurant!), but he was quite unpredictable after feedings.
ETA: How do you define "Newborn"? Because thinking back I don't think we went anywhere at the newborn stage... (a few weeks old) other than the pediatrician office, friend gatherings and some mommy-and-me groups.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@photojane: Idk, dd was combo fed from the second or third week through the sixth week when we switched to ff...she was easy the first few weeks.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@MrsF: I used to be scared, but now I'm thinking... maybe we'll get lucky next time!! The votes look about 50/50!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@googly-eyes: I just mean that FFing made going out & sleeping easier for us! She always had a pretty chilled out disposition, but FFing made things even easier for us - didn't have allergies or the constant feedings to deal with. I knew exactly how much she would eat & when, so that made going out easy from pretty early on.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@photojane: I guess in some ways it does. Maybe it was the combo feeding/pumping and the different time periods it took her to digest things but lo's feedings were still totally erratic for the first....2 months? I could measure how much she ate but it was always unpredictable how much she would need. Plus the gas caused by some formulas/bottles can make the fussiness worse. However maybe with the knowledge I have now, I know the better brands, etc., if I choose to ff again, so maybe I'll notice more patterns.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
Need to click two different options. Lala was easy most of the time but had MSPI that could make her miserable at times.
M. was incredibly easy!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@autumnlove: @chopsuey119: @Mrs. Jacks: Sorry, I just edited for multiple votes.
bananas / 9118 posts
@autumnlove: you give me hope!
C was super duper easy going, so we assume we will pay for it the next time around!
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