So my mom just told me that my childhood dog passed away today All 3 of my childhood pets have passed away in the past 9 months. I'm 22 though, so I guess that should be expected. Still so sad

So let's reminisce so I can be not so sad!

My first pet was a calico cat we got when I was 5. Her name was a big deal, so she ended up having a long name. Stacey Sugar Furball Mylastname. Stacey from me, Sugar from my sister (then 2 years old), and Furball from my dad. I guess my mom didn't really have an opinion haha

My other 2 pets lived with my grandparents since they lived out in the country with a huge yard and we lived at the beach. They only lived 20 minutes from us, so we still saw them all the time. When I was 16, we moved to the same street as my grandparents.

We had a cat named "Lucky" that we found as a kitten after a hurricane (hence the name). However Lucky got ran over twice (once by a car and once by a golf cart) years ago so we all joked that he wasn't really lucky...though he lived until he was 15 so I guess he kinda was.

My dog that just passed away was Buddy, a collie. He looked just like Lassie and followed us around all the time. In the past few years, he would not leave my grandparents side when he could sense that they weren't feeling well.

What pets did you have growing up?