Yes, no, any surprises?
Yes, no, any surprises?
88 votes
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
No surprise visitors! But my doula was a great security guard making sure no one was in the actual delivery room when I didn't want it.
nectarine / 2951 posts
Only our parents and siblings came. I wouldn't have been too excited about having unexpected visitors. Having family both days was enough for me!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
For our first, my husband was a surgery resident at the hospital where we delivered. So we had some random residency friends swing by! Otherwise, no one random, just family and a few close friends.
For our second, we lived a few hours away from most family so our only visitors were our parents.
coconut / 8854 posts
Yes and No....I knew family would want to visit soon after birth....but I didn't realize how soon. I was still in the L&B room, maybe 1 hour after birth, just got stitched up, and was told to walk a little bit, and use the restroom. As soon as I came out of the bathroom, my mom and sister were in the room holding my DD. I was furious. That was DH bonding time with DD, not my mom's or sisters. I was so emotional that I couldn't even look at them, I immediately took my DD and kicked them out.
I sound like a B for saying it, but I was really upset, they knew I didn't want people to come right away, yet as soon as DH sent out the text that DD was here, they decided to come. Oh and it was it's not like they were just "in the area"
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@MrsBrewer: you do not sound like a B for saying that. I'd have been furious too. We avoided this as any type of possibility by not telling anyone until well after babies were born.
My parents came up both times, butive five hours away so not like they could surprise me. Bil and my sister also visited, That was it. But we don't have much local family. No friends.
coconut / 8854 posts
@Foodnerd81: Well now I know for next time to make sure DH waits to text everyone (or at least my family!) until a few hours later!
persimmon / 1445 posts
@MrsBrewer: My MIL did this too. The hospital where I delivered DD has "magic hour" which is supposed to be time where only mommy and daddy bond with baby until they are moved to the postpartum room... MIL decided to visit before then, hold my baby (I had been given a bunch of drugs so I am too loopy to protest), and... the kicker... SHE TOOK PICTURES OF ME IN MY HOSPITAL GOWN AND E-MAILED THEM TO HER ENTIRE SIDE OF THE FAMILY WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. What. The. Heck. My DH didn't stop her from barging in because she had been waiting in the lobby overnight while I was in labor. This current pregnancy I will save her the trouble of waiting for me to have the baby and just let her know after the baby already gets here.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@MrsBrewer: that's not why we didn't text until later, just a nice side effect. Though I got more than one "I can't believe you didn't tell us you were in labor!" Comments.
@caterw: I'm sorry- I'd have been so mad too.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
My dad parade my co workers through my hospital room. Not too bad expect I really really disliked the one that came with him the most.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Yes and no. A couple of my aunts and cousins showed up, which surprised me, but they asked my dad (who asked me) so I at least had advanced notice. Apparently another set of aunts and cousins showed up a couple hours after we had checked out. Those ones hadn't asked (otherwise I obviously would have told them when we were leaving!) so they would have been a surprise if they had caught us.
coconut / 8483 posts
We only had my mom and step dad come.
I feel like it's weird DHs parents and my dad didn't make the drive (3 hours) but whatever. My mom was kind of a surprise as after they finally stitched me up the midwife said "your mom is here!" When I thought she was at my house. It was fine though.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
For my first my husband invited all his immediate coworkers and they all came at the same time. I think there was 10 of them. It was aight.
For the second it was just random med students/residents that we knew. That was more awk since theyd just randomly stop in or be rotating through so my boobs got a bit more exposure then if they waited more than a hot sec after they knocked.
pomelo / 5000 posts
My MIL came earlier than planned. We had said we would call and set a time, but she showed up in the AM. I hadn't showered, my catheter had just been was a very quick visit. I had wanted it to be special.
We had a few other friends visit. Lots of people were fighting colds in the winter time.
coconut / 8854 posts
@caterw: Omg!! I would be irrate!!!! Did she know you were upset about it?
persimmon / 1445 posts
@MrsBrewer: DH asked me not to yell at her and said he would talk to her. I don't think he was as firm and clear as I would have been because she didn't really apologize, she just said "I was so excited to see DD so I came in!". I'm just going to have baby #2 on the down low hahahaha. I would rather avoid arguing with her if she doesn't understand boundaries with a new baby.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
I actually had hardly any visitors. G was early and in special care and I think people felt awkward visiting with no baby to see. It was a bit heartbreaking, actually.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Only friends for our first LO. We lived far from family and didn't plan on anyone arriving for either birth. One friend worked in the hospital where my first LO was born and she showed up like 20 minutes after the birth. It was a lot awkward but I didn't know how to politely ask her to come back later. A few other friends dropped in to visit the much later in the day, but they had asked if it was ok beforehand.
pomelo / 5573 posts
My parents came, and two friends. One friend brought her mother in law, who I had never met, so that was an uncomfortable surprise - I was 24 hours post c section, wearing a hospital gown and unshowered, so not really up for meeting new people.
With my second nobody came, which I much preferred.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
My husband had a misunderstanding on the phone with his boss (he thought the caller ID said his best friend's name... I guess he was dipping into my morphine too?) and was extremely gushy to his boss. Long story short, his boss ended up stopping by because he felt so touched. I was 12 hours postpartum and it was my first time meeting him. He also got to meet my breasts!
When on bedrest my preacher also visited and it was awkward as my doctor came in and asked me about my bleeding.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Only with DD1. But they did call a few hours prior to showing up, they're just people I hadn't seen in forever and never expected to have come visit in the hospital
pineapple / 12793 posts
@LBee: meet my breasts! Haha! Awkward!
My SIL (actually three of them) came unannounced while I was in the bathroom trying to poo for the first time. It was made additionally awkward because she is fairly prominent in our government and was recognized by the nursing staff.... who all crowded into my room to get a group photo with her.... While I was pooping about four feet away.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Alba4: yes - one person walked into our hospital room totally unannounced (didn't even text) and I was not one bit pleased.
pear / 1770 posts
My dad was waiting in my driveway when I got home from the birth center, 6 hours after I gave birth.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
With my first, my old boss just showed up. It was super random and slightly uncomfortable lol.
papaya / 10343 posts
I requested no visitors in the hospital except my parents, but my aunt showed up the morning after we had LO. It was fine actually. She brought a gift, stayed like a max of 30 min, and left.
watermelon / 14467 posts
My parents and a few friends came to visit. This time I am requesting no visitors except my parents at the hospital.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
My parents and brother came to the hospital when I was ready for them. It was like the day after DS was born. I did not allow anyone to be at the hospital while I was in labor. My mom just sat at my house for like 2 days. My in laws flew in 6 weeks after DS was born.
This time I'm having a scheduled C-section first thing in the morning, my mom is going to watch DS, then DH is going to go get them and bring them to the hospital to meet the baby later in the day and then DH is taking mom straight to the airport and putting DS to bed. My ILs will be flying in 5 days later (mostly for DH's MBA graduation) and then my parents and brother and fiancée are coming Memorial Day weekend.
nectarine / 2173 posts
Family, friends, and some surprise coworkers that I was ok with (I worked at the hospital where I delivered).
honeydew / 7463 posts
We didn't tell anyone besides our parents about our 37 week induction. So friends had no idea we had the baby until we got out of the hospital and sent an email. That's exactly what I wanted. If I could have gone without anyone there but my mom I would have been even happier. My ILs and mom came (my dad didn't fly in till we left the hospital, I think he is the most like me and knew I'd want some privacy at first. Then he left with my mom).
pomegranate / 3032 posts
My mom was with us most of the day while i was laboring and she met my dad and brother in the waiting room while i delivered. They came in a for a little bit before I was moved to my post partem room then they left since it was after midnight. I was glad to have them. My brother got some great shots of LO and my dad took video of her getting cleaned up. My inlaws didnt come at all because my niece had given everyone HFM. The only other person who visited was my Aunt and she was kind enough to drive my mom home and that was a day or two after delivery. I kinda wished I had more visitors.
pear / 1788 posts
No surprises, we didn't tell anyone when I was induced. We don't have family in town, and they had trips planned to visit later, so only friends came by once we texted that DD had arrived!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Not really, everyone called to ask if they could come. I was in the hospital for 4 days and people started coming on Day 3.
persimmon / 1130 posts
We only invited immediate family, but we did have one friend who unexpectedly showed up a few hours after she and her husband got the news. I was super surprised, but she was in town already that day (they live about an hour away) and just wanted to stop by. She was so sweet that it didn't bother me.
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