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Did you stay away from red foods?

  1. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Was the amoxicillin a flavored suspension? I know someone with a red food dye allergy and she can't have things like liquid cough syrup because of the dye. Could the pediatrician have been concerned that it may have been a dye reaction instead of a reaction to the amoxicillin?

    Otherwise this makes no sense to me, and I have a lot of experience with allergies.

  2. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I followed the guides on the wholesome baby food website which did mention holding off on strawberries.

  3. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Glad you got some clarification. The new recommendations actually encourage introducing all those foods early, rather than later, from an allergy perspective.

    I give shredded cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, milk in scrambled eggs etc. but not whole milk on its own. Although the newest recommendations (in Canada, at least) are to introduce whole milk between 9-12 months(if you're not breastfeeding).

  4. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Sounds like the doctor was listing acidic foods that are likely to cause rashes in babies. Although that kind of rash wouldn't be an allergy. Berries, citrus, and tomato would all fall into that classification whereas apple would not.

    I've never heard of acidic fruits being called "red foods" before but I could see a basis for such classification (although it might be a huge stretch). The same natural color compounds that give you purple color in more basic conditions give you a red color in a more acidic environment. (e.g. "red" cabbage and purple carrot). Here's a chart that shows what I'm talking about... No idea if it's what the doctor meant. My baby eats "red" food unless he has acidic diaper rash.


  5. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    I've heard of holding off on strawberries! And I think our pediatrician mentioned orange for dd but only on the basis of an upset tummy. I've also heard of waiting til closer to the end of year 1 for gas inducing broccoli. 😋

    I also do the 3 day (ish) rule (most of the time.) I don't think it takes all that much effort and I like to be totally sure there's no reaction. After the first few foods I was able to start introducing new ones mostly in blended pouches or whatever so it's not like baby is only getting that one food for three days.

  6. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: same, honey was the only "wait till 1yo" food our ped mentioned.

    I have heard about people waiting specifically for strawberries because they are a more common allergen. But never broadly red foods.


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