Mine did. Aaaand we ignored him. I thought of this today after seeing a friend who said they are sleep training "on doctor's orders". Did your doctor suggest sleep training? Did you follow his/her suggestion or did you go your own route?
Mine did. Aaaand we ignored him. I thought of this today after seeing a friend who said they are sleep training "on doctor's orders". Did your doctor suggest sleep training? Did you follow his/her suggestion or did you go your own route?
grapefruit / 4903 posts
Yes, both peds did, though they had different opinions on how and when. The differences seemed more of opinion than based on the kids' different needs.
cherry / 193 posts
Yes, my doctor very firmly ordered us to try sleep training when A was 9 months. He wanted us to do a modified cry it out. I was totally against it, but he and my husband bullied me into trying it. It went horrendously. Easily the worst mommy moment of my life. She screamed for 5 to 7 hours every night for 5 days. She literally reversed her days and nights. After that, I put my mama bear panties back on, told them both to go F themselves, and went back to co sleeping. I will never ever ever do it again!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
This is why we only prefer to see one specific doctor in our practice. He is never concerned about her sleep unless we bring it up.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
The pedi asked about his sleep habits and suggested sleep training, but also said, it's totally up to us! If we want to continue co-sleeping, that's on us. If we want our own bed back, then we could try sleep training.
I never feel pressured by his recommendations/suggestions. They are just that - recommendations/suggestions.
cherry / 193 posts
Yeah, our Pediatrician literally said I was hurting her and her development by allowing her to wake up so many times each night. He said that she would hit more milestone if we sleep trained. She was 9 months old and walking when he said that!!!
pineapple / 12802 posts
Yes. Partly because L was waking up every hour on the dot and also because it was really wearing on my mental health. It was the best thing we've ever done!!! No regrets.
pear / 1586 posts
Our ped asked about sleep at the 4-month appointment, we mentioned that we had just started Ferber (I think we had literally started the night before) and she said "good for you!" She generally asks about sleep and naps (and had some good advice/pointers about nap transitions), but I'm not sure how much is that is due to the fact that she has three young kids herself.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Our doctor just asked if we were putting our baby down drowsy, but awake. We said yes because we were, and that was the end of the conversation.
nectarine / 2951 posts
I don't think our pediatrician mentioned it, but we were pro-sleep training and told her that early on. It worked for us and our DS sleeps very well in general.
honeydew / 7917 posts
Our original pediatrician did not push it but our current pediatrician insisted for LO2. I was okay with it because I planned on sleep training. I just needed the push to start the process.
nectarine / 2115 posts
Ours checks in about sleep and offers suggestions if we ask, but we sleep-trained on our own.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Mine offered tips at his 6 month appointment. But once he got down to just waking once a night she was ok with it as long as I was ok with it and he was getting enough sleep overall. I love our pediatrician because she has a child just a couple years older than mine so she knows exactly what we are dealing with. I love getting advice from her.
nectarine / 2521 posts
No. Our pediatrician is very much a, "you do what works for you" type of doctor and doesn't offer much advice unless asked. All he asks is how many hours of sleep LO is getting at night and nap times.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
@Tanjowen: same.
At well visits, they ask where they sleep and if they can put themselves to sleep. But when I say with me or nope, they need me to fall asleep, they don't say anything. The doctor did mention that habits are generally harder to break as they get older. That's why I really like my doc - she leaves parenting to me and she handles the medical aspect of things. I totally trust her opinion on medical issues with my kids.
honeydew / 7230 posts
Sort of. At 15 month appt our ped asked if we had areas of concern, and I mentioned their rough sleep (at the time they were waking 2-3 times EACH at night). She said they were growing great and could learn to go the night without eating (nursing) overnight. She told us about CIO with her daughter and said she didn't do any irreparable damage to her. We didn't go into any other details about it and she presented it as "you can get up with them overnight forever if you want, but if that becomes unbearable, this is an option."
nectarine / 2053 posts
yes, only because i mentioned how horrible sleep was and that i was going crazy. we did do it, and i'm so happy that we did. it was hard at first, but he's now sttn every single night and i feel like a new person.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
no, i think because she defers to parents on that and i had already made decisions regarding sleep training.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
My LO's see a general practice doctor (not a pediatrician) but nobody has ever mentioned sleep training to me. As far as I know, the pediatricians I work with don't even talk about sleep training. I agree with someone above, that peds should focus on the medical side of things. Sleep is such a personal issue.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
We asked our pediatrician for sleep advice because she was not a good sleeper. He suggested "fuss it out" but said to not let her cry for extended periods until she was older.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
@gingerbebe: Oh, yeah, they would always ask that too. We tried drowsy & awake and it didn't work, so it was either full-on CIO or rock her to sleep.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
No. I don't know what her philosophy on sleep is but I never really entertained a discussion around it. She would ask how her sleep was and is tell her she still wakes up x times to nurse and that was it. I don't believe Pediatricians are the right people to be prescribing sleep or general parenting advice anyways, unless solicited. I have heard of peds telling people to close the door and let their baby CIO. I would switch peds immediately if mine ever said something like that:
eggplant / 11861 posts
@whenoceansrise: See that is when I would take their advice! Glad M is STTN again!!!!
clementine / 856 posts
Not at all. I actually brought it up and she wanted me to wait until LO was 6 months, but I didn't take that advice because I was having some serious PPA about it. No regrets about training a bit earlier than that! Since then, she will simply as if he's sleeping well, and I say yes, and that's that. She doesn't seem like she'd push for training though. She told me stories about her own children who would only cat nap for the first year, so clearly she didn't train either!
pineapple / 12793 posts
He's never brought it up. My girls slept well early on so we may have just headed off that conversation.
persimmon / 1436 posts
Our first LO was already sleep trained/STTN when we moved here and started seeing our current pediatrician. His office gives all families with babies a handbook with common medical questions and sleep training recommendations are made. He recommends trying between 3-6 months. LO2 is only 1 month but we plan to sleep train in that time frame.
Edited to add: I haven't discussed this subject with the doctor but the office in general has a "your kids, your decisions" attitude so I doubt that there would be a problem with families that chose not to sleep train.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
I'm sure she would have been in favor of it, since her position is that "sometimes babies need to cry" - but we definitely went with our guts on the issue and never consulted her for sleep advice and she didn't offer it. We never sleep trained.
nectarine / 2085 posts
No, we didn't ask about sleep and none of the pediatricians we've ever seen have offered any advice. We did no training.
apricot / 343 posts
We actually asked for advice on what to do about sleep with our first, and our ped said he doesn't give advice on sleeping and referred us to the AAP publication on sleep. (They do always ask about sleep as part of the general battery of questions at the beginning of the visit; but I think it's just helpful for them to have a complete history.)
I'm occasionally frustrated that our ped doesn't have answers for all of our questions, but ultimately I like that he works hard to stick to what there is good medical evidence to support.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
He's never suggested it to us, but we also had good sleepers and there wasn't a chance for the convo. He's very much a "leave it up to parents" unless asked for advice for the most part though, which I appreciate.
pineapple / 12053 posts
nope. a ped in our old practice was very sleep training/CIO intrusive and i know i would have had words with him if we ever saw him, but we didn't.
pineapple / 12566 posts
No. I asked about it with DS and she was extremely hesitant to give any recommendations either way. Our current ped has never brought it up.
clementine / 770 posts
I actually brought sleep up and said she only liked to sleep when held. My Dr said that was pretty typical for babies and to give her lots of love. I'm guessing he is not pro sleep training .
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
No, but LO 1 & 2 STTN very early. I will ask her opinion about it for LO 3 at her next appointment. It might be something we might want to try when she is older.
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