I'm wondering if having a loss changed the way other couples discussed/managed ttc?
When we were ttc for lo, and before our loss, dh and I of course talked about whether or not to try, but didn't really talk about the mechanics of ttc at all. Like, sometimes I'd mention that I was in my fertile window, especially when we were planning travel or something, but not much else. My first fertile window of trying again starts today (according to my app...) and I'm feeling kind of sad and anxious. I feel like I might need to involve him more now in ttc, it's too hard for me to feel like I'm doing this on my own. I don't even know what "this" is though, I don't temp or do opks or really chart anything except my period, though maybe I should start now...
Anyway, I'd love to hear about whether/how loss affected your partner's involvement.