This isn't an issue for me yet ( LO is only 8 weeks old) but I know its going to be he's a little older on DH's family side in particular.
DH & I are wanting to not give E any screen time until approx after the age of 2 and only for very short periods. We also don't want E to have sugar etc until ATLEAST after 1 hopefully longer. This is our parenting choice and I respect others that choose differently. The only problem I see is when he will go to his grandparents house.... in particular when his cousins are there....
They sit in front of the TV at a very young age... they are giving chocolate and lollies even before they can walk. How do I avoid E doing these things?? I don't want him to feel left out ( can they even feel left out at that age?)
Do I just talk to DH's parents and siblings about our choices and hope they respect them?
DO we just suck it up and let him do those things only when he is there? ( don't really want to do that though)
Does anyone have a similar situation?