We're thinking of joining our local pool this year. DS1 is 3 and loves the water, but doesn't like getting his face wet (at bathtime). I'm thinking of going for swimming lessons too. DS2 is only 7 months, but will probably love splashing in the baby pool.
If you belong to one, is it expensive? I read an old thread where a ton of bees said theirs was free or a pay-per-day type thing. We don't have anything like that in our area. For our pools, you have to pay a bond (I have no idea why, but you get it back when you cancel your membership) and a yearly fee. The bond is $500, and for a family of 3 (baby is free), it's $570. So....our first year is $1070, plus some other random fees.
DH thinks this is insanely expensive. While I definitely don't think it's cheap, I totally see the benefits of it, as well as having something to do all summer! I belonged to one as a kid and loved it. He didn't.