Lately - I've been a dweller Just wondering if everything that happened during the birth (induction, pitocin, magnesium sulfate) negatively impacted our breastfeeding relationship....which meant 6 months of struggles so far!
Lately - I've been a dweller Just wondering if everything that happened during the birth (induction, pitocin, magnesium sulfate) negatively impacted our breastfeeding relationship....which meant 6 months of struggles so far!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I'm hoping for another lo but thinking about the birth terrifies me. I don't want to go through that again. Of course I will.... But I'm not looking forward to it.
coconut / 8430 posts
I dwelled on the negatives for a long time. I was extremely angry about the emergency c-section that I had to have even though it was probably best for both of us. I don't think I stopped being angry for several months. At 9 months PP I am sad when I read beautiful birth stories but no longer angry.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
I don't know that I dwell or think back fondly on it, but I definitely still think about it a lot.
coconut / 8305 posts
It took a long time for me to get over my first birth & really it wasn't until I found my MW that I was really okay having more. Thinking about my experience with P brings me joy & I look forward to doing it again!!
coconut / 8681 posts
I really look back fondly on it! I loved everything about my birth experience. I'm scared that my second cant possibly be as good... I'm pretty nervous about it.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
I had great experiences both times., but rarely think about my labors.
cherry / 208 posts
Definitely think of it fondly. Sometimes I think I want a second just so that I can give birth again. It was life-changing!
pomelo / 5321 posts
Dwell. I am so proud of my boy and so grateful that he is healthy, but I really feel like my birth turned into a downward spiral of interventions and I don't feel like the midwife on call was as supportive as I had hoped. I think she really just wanted to get home to her own baby and let that impact how she treated my labor.
pineapple / 12526 posts
My labor was long and traumatic. I will probably always have scars on my heart from it. To me, the "cascade of interventions" concept is a very real one. My birth also directly caused the issues with breastfeeding C, as I was unable to due to retained tissue. (I actually blame the nurses when I was readmitted at 2 weeks pp for the subsequent infection more though, Long story).
I will say that the memories haunted me for months. The anger and sadness and pain over my birth has faded tremendously. I can remember it or read my birth story now without crying. 6 months ago, I couldnt say that.
eggplant / 11824 posts
I really never think about birth, it was just a part of the entire road to LO; but I had a positive experience, so when I do think about it I think of it positively.
coconut / 8299 posts
Definitely fondly! I loved both birth experiences (even though I had c-sections on both). I remember holding my husband's hand so tightly and I remember seeing my husband cry when he heard their cries for the first time. I remember so many details from both the labor and delivery. They were one of the best moments of my life.
pomelo / 5628 posts
Dwell. I was in the hospital for 17 days before hand and delivered at 25 weeks 3 days. I still wonder why I went into pre-term labor. Was it that yoga class I took? Was it being in 100 degree heat two weeks earlier? And I blame one of the nurses for transferring me and causing my water to break which was on Day 15. The actual birth was the easiest part, but the overall experience was so traumatic without any known cause, that I won't attempt it again.
bananas / 9357 posts
Overall I think back on it positively. I had a great birth experience but I'm still nervous to do it again when that time comes.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I dwelled about my first c-section but I have positive thoughts about my second surgery. I did have a post partum hemorrhage with my second but it was a less traumatic experience than my first c-section.
clementine / 896 posts
Look back fondly. DS1 was pitocin and an epi and I don't mind that. It was a hard labor but I got my perfect boy in the end and nothing terrible happened. DS2 was natural and so much easier and again, got my perfect boy.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I had a fairly traumatic birth but now having this sweet girl in my arms I wonder if she'd be here if we did things differently. I am so grateful to my OB and medical team. They saved her life that day. So, fondly, despite it being (almost) everything I didn't want.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@highwire: my birth experience was awful, but I rarely think of it anymore. The only time it crosses my mind is when I think about doing it again and the choices I will make next time. Live and learn!
coconut / 8475 posts
Loved it! But if next time, I could just not tear:) not that I even felt it during the labor but I didn't feel it days after.
coconut / 8498 posts
I got an epi at 10 because my cervix was in danger of rupturing, and I felt like I couldn't stop pushing. I dwell a lot on whether I should have just dealt with the cervical lip and gone med-free. However, overall my experience was great! I felt like superwoman for weeks!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
i fondly remember my l&d. i loved my ob-gyn, my nurse and my mom and DH were there. it was great.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
I loved my birth experience and think back on it fondly regularly - mainly when someone has a new baby and I'm immediately taken back to that wonderful moment in my life. I really hope all future birthing experiences are like my first.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
@zippylef: I feel the same way!!
I can't watch births on TV or in movies because it usually reminds me of what I didn't have. I didn't get to experience or see my baby be born since I was under general anesthesia. I was on mag sulfate for 24 hrs afterwards and couldn't get out of bed to see my baby, forget trying to breastfeed. I get so weepy when I think about him all by himself, since DH was with me in recovery. It is going to take a long time for my heart to heal. In fact, the 2nd thing I said when I woke up (after, "was it a boy or a girl?" we were TG) was that if I had known that my pregnancy was going to end in an emergency c-section under anesthesia, I would never have gotten PG in the first place. Of course, I regret saying that now since I am totally in love with LO but I think it's going to be a LONG time before I am ready to go through that again.
nectarine / 2127 posts
I liked having the c section and easy recovery but I wish LO hadn't had to go to NICU. I wish I could've had the skin to skin and stuff.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
Hmm... I posted my response, but it looks like it didn't show up.
What I said was that I loved my birth experience. I mean how could I not? We were talking about how to deliver a baby gorilla in between my second and my final push. It was by far the most fun part of my pregnancy.
nectarine / 2504 posts
I would have to say fondly remember even though it was not the birth experience I wanted. I fell, went to the hospital, pitocin, emergency c-section, LO went to NICU--but this experience brought me LO and I will be forever grateful.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Fondly remember it. Even though I was up for like 30 hours straight and puked my brains out during and after.
pear / 1510 posts
I dwell a bit. I had an emergency c-section and I'm really sad that I missed out on the birth experience. I know the bottom line is that LO and I are healthy and happy, but do wish it could have been different.
honeydew / 7235 posts
I fondly look back on my birth experience. I definitely imagined the worst, and overall, I thought the whole thing was pretty incredible - I could do without the 5 hours of pushing next time, but will be less fearful of giving birth.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I look back fondly, even though it didn't go the way I thought and ended in emergency c-section. I don't have regrets!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
I have fond memories because E is here, but honestly, I rarely think of it.
cherry / 211 posts
It was not the experience I envisioned, My water broke five weeks early, there were other complications, I could see the concern in the eyes of my doctor and nurses, as well as my husband. I had to get an epidural and pitocin very early, but in the end I had a quick, pain free vaginal delivery of a healthy baby that was able to go home with us despite being early. Do I look on it fondly? No, I would rather have a less scary delivery. Am I glad that I was taken care of and grateful for the interventions that kept me and lo safe and healthy? Absolutely yes. Forever grateful.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@zippylef: I'm sorry to read this but also comforted that the raw pain goes away. "Scars on my heart" is a beautiful phrase to describe it.
bananas / 9973 posts
Fondly, even though I was totally in the worst pain of my life before the Epi. Once I had the epi, I think I was just so calm. That singular moment when you see your LO for the first time... omg... talk about a natural high!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
Was it what I was expecting? No. But I don't dwell on the fact that I had to have a csection because I know, in my heart, it was best for both of us. I look back on it fondly because that's when I became a mother and have a beautiful thriving son because of the experience
pear / 1599 posts
Fondley, I am looking forward to doing it again because it was the complete opposite of what I thought it would be. I was so scared of labor but I guess you could say I enjoyed it, lol. I hate to say it was easy but that is what best desccribes my labor experience (but not the pregnancy). And I loved going thru the experience with DH and seeing how he handled everything.
grape / 99 posts
I watched the business of being born and I started dwelling on that I had somehow missed out on a "right of passage" experience by not having a drug free birth. Now I've come to terms that it was a great experience that I would not have changed. I would not be disappointed to have another labor experience.
nectarine / 2771 posts
Fondly! Though I don't think of my labor too often anymore. I hope my second experience will be just as good (minus my crazy mom)!
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