LO is a pretty good napper...he typically takes a 2 hour nap in the mornings, a 1 hour 15 min nap in the afternoon, and a 45 minute nap in the late afternoon. Recently, I've had to wake him up from his naps so that it doesn't go beyond those parameters--I'm afraid that if I let him nap too much during the day, his overnight sleep will suffer and we'll have more wake ups. We just sleep trained and got down to 1 wakeup a night, so I really don't want to mess with that!

Do you find that long naps cause worse overnight sleep? Do you think I should just let him nap as much as he wants during the day? I hate waking him up, and I get a lot of flack from my mom/MIL--they always say, "never wake a sleeping baby! They grow when they sleep!"