My baby is currently 5.5 months old, and I confess that I get bored playing with him. I have him napping after being awake for 1.5-2 hours but I find myself always looking forward to his next nap after playing with him for a whole half an hour! Hahaha. He can't quite sit up on his own yet, and he doesn't even love to sit. What he likes to do is standing and jumping, which requires my holding onto him for that. I have an activity gym for that reason, but he doesn't last long in there! So, do you ever get bored playing with your baby? What do you do to entertain yourself and your LO at the same time? Sometimes as a cop out, I put him in the carrier and we go out for a walk for his whole awake period and he seems perfectly fine with that. But, I feel that approach is too passive - that he's not learning anything from that? Any ideas to keep it fun at this age?