We went into our new apartment today to take some measurements and I looked a little more carefully at the baby's room. We are planning to put our current queen bed in there (we are getting a new king for the master) so we have someplace for people to stay when they visit in the beginning (mostly our moms and siblings). It's a small room, but we can just fit the queen, a regular crib, and a dresser/changing top. But, sadly, there is no way a nice upholstered glider will fit-- MAYBE a small size rocking chair.

So, I'm wondering, did you have a rocking chair or a glider when LO was born? I had pictured having one in the nursery for late night feeding and soothing sessions. We could possibly put one in the living room if it coordinated with the living room rather than baby. How were you most comfortable nursing in the beginning?

The other option would be to get rid of the queen entirely and get a twin to put in there, but since we already have it, it seems a little silly to buy a cheap new bed.