Do you have assigned tasks or do you guys just divide and conquer as needed?
Do you have assigned tasks or do you guys just divide and conquer as needed?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Pretty much an unspoken ownership and then we trade as we need breaks.
eggplant / 11716 posts
Divide and conquer. But I tend to do more food prep and DH tends to do more bath time.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
As needed mostly, but we do fall into some specific roles. DH does trash, for example. But I won't not take it out if it needs it.
coconut / 8472 posts
We have a lot of stuff that over the years have kind of become de facto assigned. It makes it a lot easier to me because I feel like things are pretty even this way.
papaya / 10343 posts
He does trash and yard maintenance. I do laundry and all shopping (including food). Otherwise we mostly do as needs done.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
I recently made one and it's hanging on our fridge! It's made a huge difference since we implemented it. Love it!
pomelo / 5258 posts
Usually we do what needs to get done. However I'm in my 3rd trimester with #2 and not shy about asking for trades/help. DH is getting more chores every week.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
No assigned tasks - we both do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Sometimes that means DH is doing the laundry whilst I'm building a bookshelf, and sometimes that means I'm cleaning the bathroom whilst DH is outside mowing the lawn. No real roles here and it works for us as DH is very hands on around the house, despite working very long hours.
honeydew / 7622 posts
We have assigned tasks. I do laundry, cooking, grocery shopping. He will pitch in if needed.
He takes care of everything outside- lawn, watering, trash. I will take over when he's out of town- but don't mow.
We work together on general picking up and the kitchen.
We have a 1/mo Housecleaner who does all of our deep cleaning.
Works for us.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
We've fallen into a routine that works really well for us, the main thing is that we have a house cleaner that does the deep cleaning twice a month. In betweeen, we both do what needs to get done.
I do the laundry exculsively though. I also have time set aside to iron while my husband is out grocery shopping.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I think it's more an unspoken agreement (or we've just fallen into these roles over time).
Hubs usually starts the dishwasher and unloads the dishes, takes out the trash and recycling, snowblows and shovels, etc. But I've done all these things too.
I'm the one that goes grocery shopping, prepares the kids food, does the kids laundry, cooks dinner most nights, etc.
Then we both split other tasks: cleaning, washing sheets and towels, lawn care maintenance, etc.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
They're not really assigned but for the most part:
He: does any yard stuff, vacuums, sweeps the floor, takes out the trash.
I: do laundry, dust, windows, bathrooms, cook and keep the rooms tidy.
Together: Grocery shop and split the dishes.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Divide and conquer, but there's some things that kind of became our assigned tasks by default. Like baths, nail clippings, storytime are mommy tasks.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
The general rule is I take care of the inside, he takes care of the outside.
When I was pregnant, he took over vacuuming b/c the Dyson Animal is soo great, but soo heavy! So I think that job went permanently to him haha.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Just kind of an unspoken rule. Like he always does the yard and the grill. But if it is something outside like trimming the bushes or leaves, I will help if weather is permitting for LO to be outside with us.
I usually do all the laundry and grocery shopping, but he does help out too. I was gone all weekend and I got back yesterday and he had done the grocery shopping for the week and all the laundry, while solo parenting. I really appreciated it.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@Applesandbananas: We don't have assigned tasks, but we have certain things that one or the other does more often.
DH takes out trash and recycling 99% of the time. I do 99% of the cleaning in the house, but DH cooks a lot.
I do most of the grocery shopping, but DH will stop if he thinks we need something/I ask.
We both do a lot of laundry.
It ends up evening out. I don't feel like I do more or he does more. It works for us.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
We have assigned tasks for most stuff, sort of by default--I think we might have discussed it several years ago! But we'll both do stuff as needed as well.
honeydew / 7504 posts
It's basically get it done when it needs to be done. He tends to do more of the outdoor maintenance, as far as mowing and edging and trimming. I do all of the shopping and the majority of the cooking. He does his own laundry, and I do mine and D's, plus the diapers. But everything is kind of done by who notices it needs to be done and who has the time to spare (ha).
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
In general, I do mostly indoor (cook, laundry), DH does mostly outdoor (Lawn cutting, snow shoveling, trash). We both clean/organize as needed and vaccum, grocery shop, etc.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
I do most of the cooking and cleaning, he does all of the lawn and outdoor maintenance except for the garden, that's my responsibility. He also takes out the trash. It's just worked out that way over the years, we never really hashed out who was going to do what.
pomelo / 5607 posts
I'm a housewife, so most of the house stuff falls on me. I'll be a SAHM, so to some degree the same when LO is here. That being said, he handles a few things that for no good reason just annoy me to do (like unloading the dishwasher), and all of the yard work (he likes it, and I hate it, so it makes sense). It's not official though, just the way things work out. When I was working, we usually picked a day to get a big block of cleaning done, and we'd just each pick a task, do it, pick another, etc. It would tend to work out the same every time due to preference.
nectarine / 2047 posts
We have assigned tasks but will help each other out as needed. He does the majority of the cooking and all the dishes and I do all the laundry, vacuuming, mopping, dusting and cleaning the bathroom. He also does the litter now that I'm pregnant. We do grocery shopping together. We live in an apartment, so there are no outside chores. I find that it really reduces feelings of resentment or "I always do more". It's fair and it works for us.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
We have assigned tasks but obviously the other takes over as needed. DH does water jug replacement, garbage/trash, diaper genie cleanout, bottle wash, first feeding of the day for DS, bath for DS, most diapers and bottles on weekends, and vacuuming. He also pays all the bills and handles car maintenance.
I do all shopping and cooking/food, including a good bit of couponing, majority of the childcare while I'm maternity leave, bathrooms, handiwork/small home repairs, prepping and cleaning the house and cooking for our weekly Bible study. I buy all our clothing, manage all the holidays and gifts, and manage all travel related tasks.
We split laundry and dishes pretty evenly.
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