In theory I can, but I've never had to do it.
Around this time last year we (and several other cars) hit something on I-95 S outside of Richmond and got a flat at 2AM. DH changed ours, and while he was doing that I waddled my huge pregnant belly several hundred feet behind us to a car full of just out of HS girls (there were 6 of them in there) who were dressed to the nines and none of them had even the slightest clue how to change their flat.
DH was going to do it for them (I went back to assure them that he wasn't a rapist or murderer or anything--I can't think of many people less threatening than a heavily pregnant lady) but it turned out they had 2 flat tires, and only one spare, so we waited with them until a tow truck got there.
Can you change a tire?