The last three classes I've attended at my yoga studio no one else showed up so I've had three personal yoga sessions. I know this might sound odd to some, but I actually prefer working out in a group. I do yoga (or run) to destress and unwind and I find the constant attention from a personal session makes me anxious and stressed. Last night was extra bad because the instructor was very high strung and was constantly hovering over me and had me holding poses way longer than any other class I've been to which was extremely difficult.
Of course I spoke up and told her I wasn't at that level yet and I rested when I needed to, but if I had been in a group setting that never would have happened. Same thing when I've belonged to a gym though, I prefer working out in a group and have never felt the urge to hire a personal trainer.
Does anyone enjoy personal training sessions? Anyone feel the same as I do about them?