I've been of the mindset "never wake a sleeping baby". And lately i have been thrilled that L has seemed to have gotten back into groove with his super morning naps. They have been more super than ever before actually, with the average being 2 hours, sometimes longer! But his afternoon naps are still crap - often 30 minute cat naps. I am not sure if it is because we are often out in the afternoon so it ends up being a stroller or carrier nap. Or if I should not be letting him sleep so long in the morning. Or a combo of both?

Also, a post the other day got me thinking as a few bees said that they wake their babies if they have been sleeping for 2 hours for a nap. Then i saw this sleep chart that said at this age (7 months), babies should not nap for longer than 2 hours.

I want to get more input....should I be waking L once he hits the 2 hour mark for a nap?

As a side note, I not "complaining" - I much prefer him to sleep too long than not enough! I just want to do what is best for him, so if limiting his morning nap can improve his afternoon nap, then maybe it's worth a shot?