Hellobee Boards


Do you live frugally?

  1. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    yep. I shop at thrift stores, use coupons and scour the ads for sales. Even when I shop at regular retailers, I rarely buy things at full price.

  2. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    I try to but I know that we haven't been that frugal lately. I'm ok with it, but I know I used to be much better about it.

    I try to not waste things (food, electricity, water, etc) and we try not to buy more than what we need. I know I am pretty cheap about LO's clothes. She wears the same things over & over to daycare and wears a lot of hand me downs. I figure she doesn't care yet and I'd rather save the money now. I try not to overbuy for her.

  3. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    We live within our means and I try my best to shop sales and deals.

  4. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Yes and no - I'm huge on coupons and sale items and we live within our means with savings. BUT, we both believe that entertainment and recreation is a valid and important part of life (and our marriage!) and we have a somewhat generous budget line item for eating out, concert tickets, entertaining, 1 (not extravagant) vacation annually, etc. To trade off, neither of us drive new cars or have fancy electronics or such. So, it may appear to others that we aren't frugal, but we've actually been very thoughtful about how we allocate our funds based on the kind of life we want to live and what is important to us.

  5. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Out of necessity, yes.

    It will be nice to graduate school, get a "real" job and not have to pinch every single penny!

    -We hardly buy clothes for ourselves unless we absolutely need something or it's a special occasion that we saved money for like a birthday or Christmas.

    -J needs clothes nearly every season still - but I shop at once upon a child, old navy and gap sales/clearance and still don't pay more than $10/item for his clothes. Except shoes, I will pay for good shoes because he runs them into the ground.

    -making lots of batch foods - and cheap ones like soups. I love fall because it's easy to eat soup every day. Our meal plan this week was chili, squash chicken soup, and butternut squash soup. DH is making homemade bread to go with it - between three large pots of soup, it's enough for the week and leftovers for lunches.

    - we don't really go out, we don't have cable, and don't have a ton of extras. The only things we pay for that are "non-necessities" is netflix and YMCA membership, and J takes swimming at the Y.

    - we have one car, and we paid it off this summer. It saves gas, car insurance, and the upkeep that a car has. We purposefully live a mile from DH's work and have J in a daycare next door so that we can make this work.


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