I can never be as tough of a mom as my mom was. She raised my brother and I alone when we were babies since dads weren't involved in childcare then (can't imagine doing that with charlie and olive!). And even though she worked very long hours my entire life, there was never a time that we didn't have a healthy, home cooked meal every night. She kept the house in order and was the rock of our family. My mom was and still is tough, and I know she did the absolute best she could. I don't think I could ever measure up to my mom in that way, and I'll never be able to sacrifice as much as she did.

But I do think that I'll be able to help my children with opportunities in a way that she couldn't, since english was her second language. I'm also going to be more selfish than my mom was who gave everything to us... but I think that'll probably be better for my kids in the long run.

Do you measure up to your mom? What would you do the same/different as she did?