If so, what signs do you use? How frequently do you sign? Do you feel like it's helped your LO's language development?
If so, what signs do you use? How frequently do you sign? Do you feel like it's helped your LO's language development?
pineapple / 12793 posts
I did but she started using the words before using the signs so I stopped
honeydew / 7230 posts
We started signing basics with my twins around 8 months - more, milk, all done. My daughter picked it up quickly, but my son was indifferent at first. Then we started attending sign and sing story times and learned "fun" signs - animals, food, weather, signs for Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc. My DD had very few spoken words at a year, but had 20+ signs and could communicate to us a lot. I'm glad we gave her an alternate way to communicate to us. She obviously has things she wanted to express, but didn't have the spoken language to do so. At 19 months she has a large spoken vocabulary and is speaking in short sentences. My son is less into signing and verbal communication, but he does use signs to express simple ideas that he doesn't have language for. For us it's been a great thing!
pear / 1930 posts
Following. We started signing milk, mommy, daddy, play, more, and sleep at 4 months (aka last week) so I'm curious about others' experience.
pear / 1580 posts
I started using some signs at 6m and DS is almost 9mo now. We use the signs for food, more, all done, sleep, again, up. I use them pretty often. I'm excited to see if he picks any of it up!
coconut / 8079 posts
LO has about 20 signs. He doesn't seem to need any more at the moment or have interest in adding more. The ones he uses most are milk, eat, more, yes, please, thank you, all done, open, and help. He also signs bird and car for fun. He has a speech delay and it has helped to have an easy way for him to communicate what he wants/needs while we wait for his spoken language to catch up.
ETA LO is 19 months. I think we started signing around 6 or 7 months. It seemed like he was not interested and I was getting frustrated with it, but suddenly he got it around 10 months.
nectarine / 2115 posts
We did milk, mama, water, and all done. At 18 months the only one she/we still use is all done.
pomelo / 5258 posts
We started signing with LO1 when she said her first word at 10 months. She picked it up quickly and it helped reinforce the vocabulary she was building. She started signing again recently at almost 3 so I think someone at daycare must use it.
DS is 6 months. I throw a sign out every once in a while but I think we won't start for a few more months.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
Just some basics: nodding yes/no, more, all done, eat. I think they were helpful, especially with D whose speech is delayed!
pomelo / 5573 posts
We took a sign language class and tried to be pretty consistent with a few of the words but he didn't really pick them up until he started daycare where they were very consistent. He only really picked up more but he used it a lot and it was very helpful.
kiwi / 649 posts
I'm not a fan unless the child is delayed. I used them in the past with some of my foster kids. Some of the signs were more, milk, all done, up, yes, no, etc.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
We sign with my boys. Have been since 6 months. I think it is an important skill. I grew up with deaf neighbors and attended a lot of deaf community gatherings as I got older.
persimmon / 1467 posts
We sign and have since 6 months. He never really caught on to most of the signs and would learn one and stop using the previous one he'd learned. Now at 21 months he signs more, please, and all done. It's been helpful because he's not very verbal but also problematic because he won't even try to say please or more (although he has learned how to say done). I'd still say it was good for us because it allowed communication early but DS never learned many signs.
apricot / 320 posts
Our daycare starts signing with infants from very early on. DS learned more, please, all done, hungry, milk, banana, etc. As he got older, it was interesting to see him attempt to say the word along with the sign. The signs seemed to lessen his frustration when communicating. Even now at 3 if he wants to emphasize that he really wants something, he'll frantically sign "please" or "more" while he's speaking!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
We used more, please and all done. He also picked up bird, randomly. By the time he was using them, he was also starting to talk though. He would say "mo, mo" while signing more.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Same here. DD was more into learning speech than sign!
pear / 1648 posts
DD (15 months) learned some signs from school - mainly milk and more, though she definitely knows 'all done' too. She actually was speaking the words just about the time she started using the signs, though, so she really just starts using signs when she thinks we're not responding fast enough!
She'll say "more! more! more!" and if 5 seconds has passed and she doesn't have the food she wants yet, she switches to urgent signing. It's kind of hilarious.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Our son is 15 months. Had no interest in signs until a year! He picked up more, all done, and sometimes he uses eat. He also shakes his head no. He understands things that are spoken to him but really hasn't begun talking beyond babbling and insistent loud grunting. He's started giving nonsense names for things and imitates some animal sounds so we feel like he's on his way. We are getting some frustration tantrums so I wish he would show more interest in other signs and what not but he has to want to do it!
kiwi / 524 posts
We started with the basic ones (more, all done, milk) but he didn't really get interested until we started telling him the signs for things he was seeing. His first few signs (around 12 months) were dog, bird, and hat. By the time he was 18 months he had about 60 signs.
It was great! He didn't really start talking a lot until 20-22 months, so the signing was very useful. Now at 27 months he has a huge spoken vocabulary but he remembers some of the signs.
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