just curious how other people approach it. in my case the answer is pretty much no, although I did have a couple very trusted people (long-distance friends) I shared the high level details with when we were working on #1. I am really close to my mom in most ways, but I didn't think she would get this and sometimes she is not the most sensitive. I didn't need tough love, I needed a shoulder to cry on. honestly my best confidante was a private blog I used as a journal (I still find it useful). and now I have HB too

it came up this week because my mom is here visiting while I am ending another chemical pregnancy and going to the RE. DH asked if I was going to tell her anything but I quickly said no. I plan to do the same as with #1 and wait until we have seen a heartbeat to tell even close family. I don't want to hear things like "well it's better this way so your kids are further apart" and I definitely don't want people watching and waiting and asking questions since I don't know what the timeline will look like for #2.

who do you talk to about fertility issues?