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Do you think age gap plays the most important factor...

  1. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    Nope. I'm 2.5 years from my brother and though I love him now, we were NOT friends growing up.
    My best friend and her sister are 9 years apart and she loved her little sis from day 1, baby sat her, took her to her first concert, helped her get her first apartment - they have a great relationship and are very close.

  2. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    I agree with a lot of other PPs that I don't think age gap is that big of a deal it's more about personality.

    My only sibling (bro) is 3.5 years older than me and we have never gotten along. Our personalities are just too different. We will definitely be there for each other if needed but we definitely don't hang out or anything.

    DH is 2 years older and 4 years older than both his brothers respectfully and all 3 of them aren't best friends. Again they will be there for each other if needed but other than that we don't hang out or anything.

    I know a lot of my friends with siblings less than 2 years apart don't get along with their siblings. Also a lot of them that ARE close to their siblings that are close in age too.

    Then there is my guy friend that is 7 years older than his sister, he use to walk her to school holding her hand when he was high school and she was in elementary school, there is a cute picture he showed me once. They are very close, in fact when she just graduated college and he bought a house on his own, she lives there with him because it's cheaper than an apartment and she helps with the mortgage, they did that for 3 years before she moved out to live with her fiancee.

    I sort of feel like it's pure luck how well they will get along. Sometimes it's not up to you and you can't influence it at all, it just happens.

  3. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I think it is a major factor, but definitely not the most important, and that factor becomes more or less significant as they go through various stages in life.

    My older brother and sister are 13 months apart. As kids my sister and I were closer, simply because we're both girls, though we are 4 years apart. During high school my older brother and sister shared similar friends and were really close, but when they started serious dating relationships they always disagreed on each others' choices and spent months/years being distant. Now that they are adults there are seasons of closeness, but I think meshing of personalities (despite the age gap) plays the most important factor in determining what sibling relationships would be like throughout the years.

  4. X0X0X0

    cherry / 205 posts

    exactly what @Radish said. I decided to have 2 under two because of the experience my sister had with her 3 kids. 1st and 2nd kids have a 3 year age gap, so she was able to take them out for similar activities. Age gap between 2nd and 3rd child was is 5 years and she has a hard time finding activities that they all want to participate in.


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