My friend is very much a breastfeeding advocate. The other day I thanked her for being supportive (or at least, non-judgmental) of how I feed DD (EPing and FFing).
She answered that "Well, I know how hard you tried to breastfeed at the start, and you gave it a good shot!" I laughed, because I didn't really try that hard but must have been convincing, and asked "What if I chose to FF from the beginning?". She half-jokingly responded that we "would need to have a chat". Hmph.
I'm way past the guilt I felt in those first few months and now have no qualms saying that BFing is definitely not for me. All future LO's will be bottle fed, whether through formula or EPing, depending on what is best for our family - even if I could theoretically make enough milk to EBF.
A lot of what I see online talks about mothers who aren't able to breast feed. But what about someone who just doesn't want to in the first place? I have a friend who is in the process of adopting and she said even she is getting some pressure to induce lactation or use donor milk. This is crazy to me - we should support mothers however they want to feed their child, whether through BFing, FFing, Combofeeding, EPing...regardless of how they arrived at that decision!
Do you think every mom should at least try to BF?
***Not trying to start a fire-storm, just genuinely curious about what the HB consensus is!