Lo is too big for sink baths and I have back problems so I can't give him baths in the tub (on my own).
Waiting for DH to come home and do bath time sometimes stinks because it throws off my timing/bedtime routine that has so far been going so well for LO.
SO, I'd like to shower with LO.
My mom did this with us once we could sit up on our own and she would put us at the end of the tub where the water wasn't hitting us and gave us toys. Then she would shower and before getting out, grab me and wash me up. It was a 2 for 1 deal!
I want to try this but if there is any other way it could be done, please share! I wish there was a way I could start now, but LO is 13w and doesn't sit up unassisted obviously...he barely has head control.