I used to say I wanted 3 or more kids. Then I thought I just wanted 1. Now I think I want 2 or more. Who knows how many times I'll change my mind before I'm done having kids.
What about you?
I used to say I wanted 3 or more kids. Then I thought I just wanted 1. Now I think I want 2 or more. Who knows how many times I'll change my mind before I'm done having kids.
What about you?
grapefruit / 4089 posts
I went from zero to two, and haven't strayed from that number since. We definitely don't want more than two, but who knows, one may be enough when we actually get around to it
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
Always two for sure, but we waver between two or three depending on how the kids are. Right now we're firmly in the two and through camp. I think we're done, but not 100% sure.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Daily? Haha. No, but seriously - I always knew I wanted two and I think DH would say the same. But kids are a lot of work and ours are still so little that in the bad moments we only want two but in the good moments we want 4 or 5. It's just so variable!
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
We wanted 2 but our number changed to 3 after we became parents. I would love 4 but I think DH wants to stop at 3.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
I wavered a lot before LO was born and immediately after she was born, but not anymore.
nectarine / 2521 posts
Mine changes daily based on the amount of sleep LO lets me get each night . Right now we are definitely having one, ha.
pomelo / 5607 posts
When I was younger I wanted a bunch. Growing up enough to realize the financial realities of that, plus nannying so that I realized just how hard it would be, made me decide no way on that. DH wants just one, but is okay with two (he's one of four, plus two stepbrothers for a while). I'm an only child, so I still want at least two. But that's it.
honeydew / 7303 posts
Mine change daily based on the severity of tantrums. O.m.g. the tantrums!!!
pomegranate / 3863 posts
I go between wanting 3 and being done with the one we currently have! Lol. Just depends on severity of tantrums on any given day and how well I can tamp down my fears about another difficult pregnancy and birth.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I went from wanting a huge family to just two and through. Now I'm back in the maybe three camp.
Dh has never wavered, he still wants four buy understands the two maybe three plan.
pineapple / 12053 posts
i've always assumed 3 as i come from a family of 3. DH is the same and after 1 LO we're on the same page still.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Pre pregnancy - 4 or 5
Pregnant - 3 or 4
Right after birth - 3
10 months PP - 2
Haha not really a complicated or hard pregnancy/birth, but reality really hit me!
papaya / 10343 posts
No. I've never had a plan. I've never decided what I want. lol. We were undecided before #1 and we're still undecided after!
clementine / 948 posts
We still want 3 but our timeline has changed a little due to sibling/friend weddings and my desire to have maternity leave in the summer at least once
pear / 1580 posts
We wanted to have 2 kids before 35, but because TTC#1 took much longer than I thought, I'll be very happy with 1, though I'd still like to make #2 work out if possible!
kiwi / 728 posts
@Tanjowen: hahaha this is so me. We all get sleep, I'm all oh yeah we can definitely have another. A couple of bad nights, I tell my husband never ever ever again. So as of now....one and done.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
We wanted 4 (!) before LO, but when she was born and for the first maybe 1 year, I couldn't imagine having another. Then sometime between 18 months and 2 years I started getting baby fever and knew I wanted another, just not sure when. Now, we def want 2, maybe 3.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I went from wanting 3 to being pretty sure I'm good with 2. DH is still more willing to have 3, but I'm hoping after he sees how much work 2 is he will come to my side
pomegranate / 3809 posts
I used to want 3 or 4 since I grew up as 1 of 4 and thought that was a fun number of kids. But then as I got older, I think 2 now since I'd be 40+ by the time I have a 3rd at this rate. Though at this point, I'd be happy if I could even just have 1.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I always said 2 but almost changed my mind to 1 when LO was about a year then I got a surprise positive and DH has always said 1. He'll still tell you he would've thought that ideal but he's an only and loved it, I think he'll grow to love 2 when little miss arrives. We are DONE at 2, like surgically done hahaha.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Lots of change! Before we started TTC (and during the first several months) I wanted at least 2, maybe 3. Then almost 2 years and 2 m/cs later, it was one and we'll see how it goes. During the first several weeks, I couldn't imagine ever having a newborn again. Now I'm pretty sure I want DS to have a sibling at some point, but I want to wait until he is at least in preschool.
coconut / 8861 posts
Not really. Both DH and I come from families of 2 kids. After LO, the timeline of the next one changed because of various issues. I'm pregnant with our second and last one right now. We're done at two and through.
pomelo / 5220 posts
@ellewoods84: @tanjowen yup, this. Its all about how much sleep I've gotten...
persimmon / 1343 posts
Growing up I was sure I wanted NO kids, and then I became more open to the idea in late college or so until it became full on baby fever a couple of months before getting pregnant with my daughter. My husband & I always talked about 2 kids, but since my daughter was born, we flip flop ALL the time between 1 and 2. The decision is weighing hard on me right now because we want to ttc this year if we decide on 2. We discussed it for a few hours last night and never came up with a decision!
pineapple / 12526 posts
Yes. lol. Mine change depending on what day you ask.
I was undecided if I ever wanted any before getting pregnant. Now that we have one, I waver between one and done, and two.
pomegranate / 3845 posts
I wouldn't say frequently... We had planned on 2, maaaaaaaaybe 3, but after LO, we are one and done. He's an amazing kiddo and we feel so blessed, but parenting is much harder than we ever could've imagined.
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