Hellobee Boards


Do your religious beliefs dictate your political choices?

  1. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I'm with you 100%! I vote based on my moral beliefs. Whether those beliefs were formed by my religion, family values or cultural influences, my beliefs are my beliefs and I wouldn't be able to separate those out. I'm sure that alot of my beliefs are centered around my religion but it's not something I can just separate out. So I vote for the candidate that most closely matches my beliefs. Done and done.

  2. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Yes!!!! Well said!

  3. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    I agree with you. I am a religious person. I'm also a feminist and believe in equality for all. I am mostly liberal in my politics, and butt heads with many other religious people in my life because of it. I don't really understand why being religious these days automatically means one must vote conservatively--I personally believe truly faithful people have compassion, love, and do not judge others, and that seems to me, like that type of person would be more politically liberal.

  4. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    Religion has no place in my government. Period. The population of the US is religiously and culturally diverse. Imposing the beliefs and morals of one religion (in the US, Christianity) on the entire diverse population is an infringement on my freedom of religion.

    I don't need someone else's god telling me what I can and cannot do. Religion and the religion of a candidate should be a non-issue.


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