My nephew is 2 and a half, and does not look like a baby at all. He is tall, very active, and has a temper. He has little speech, and gets his way no matter what.
My ILs constantly refer to him as, "the baby," which drives me nuts! I feel like he has a name, and he is constantly babied, which is not going to help him become more independent.
I don't want anyone to jump on me that the way I described him is horrible at all, I love him to death. My annoyance lies in where the family treats him - sometimes, when MIL says "oh the baby did this.." I say, "crazy that he's gotten so big, huh? he's a little boy now!" I'm sure they don't want him to grow up (he's currently the youngest) but they've got to let him at some point!
Does this drive anyone else bonkers?