S is 3.5mths and for many weeks now has been chomping on her fingers, whole hands and anything else she can get in her mouth all accompanied with increasing amounts of drool. Other than that, she seemed happy and content and not in any pain until a couple of days ago when I tried to feed her once and it took several attempts to get her to latch because she kept crying--never seen that before and haven't since.

Today not long after I fed her she was trying to chomp on my shoulder (!) and she is still smiley and chatty some of the time but also a bit more grumbley, not wanting to play so much and things seem to upset her at the drop of a hat.

Her sleep is fine, if anything she seems to be needing more sleep.

I took her temperature and that was normal...I've also rubbed teething gel on her gums and I'm not sure it's made any difference.