Mine has one, she was a coworker but then took a different job. She's never liked me (DH and I were dating prior to them being coworkers/friends). It's quite annoying to be around her because she makes it obvious that she can't stand me. She also hangs on DH and touches him every time she speaks to him... Drives me nuts! I think at one point she really had feelings for him but she seems to have gotten over that. She told a mutual friend that she's very jealous of DH and I's marriage, that we're disgustingly perfect together. So I think her problem these days is just jealousy.

But her birthday is coming up and she invited DH to go out with her and some of their mutual friends (mostly colleagues) but she told him not to feel like he had to bring me since I'm pregnant and it'd be at a bar.

Ugh. Annoying. I told DH not to feel like he could go and remain married lol.

Does your DH have female friends? Do you like them?