Hi, some background -- Baby D is 10 weeks old. We've had some BFing issues so he just gets bottled breastmilk. He eats about 3.5-4 oz per bottle and gets about 24-27 oz per day. He's been gaining weight well.

For the past two weeks, my husband and I have noticed that he hasn't been pooping as much. I know that's normal once they're out of the newborn phase, but he's also been extra gassy and fussy. His stomach will get HUGE and then all of a sudden he'll have what I call a "monster poop" which is this massive wet poop that almost pools in his diaper! It's stinky but is the right color/texture etc. He does this every couple of days.

The doc said grunting/straining and the big poops are normal, but he seems to be grunting and straining all the time, and the extra fussiness is not like him. He's much calmer after the monster poop.

Has anyone ever had this? Am I feeding him too much or is this normal? Thanks for any advice!