Starting to do some research on double strollers and I feel so lost and overwhelmed! Please chime in Bees and give me some double stroller advice!

Here's some pertinent background info:
- We live in the suburbs and drive most of the time but love taking walks at parks as well. Not too much uneven/rough terrain here. Also, it rarely rains and never snows here.
- The kids will be almost 29 months apart when LO #2 is born.
- We currently own a UB Cruz, a BOB, & a UB G-Luxe. Haven't used the Cruz in FOREVER an use the G-Luxe daily.
- LO #1 enjoys sitting in the stroller.
- We plan on having a third child, hopefully with a smaller age difference between #2 and #3. (Ideally between 24-26 months apart)
- I drive a Honda CRV.

So what should I get? I'm indecisive on tandem vs side-by-side....give me the pros and cons and your personal experience on your double stroller!