OK, so I have been taking Lexapro postpartum, and I will be honest: I long for a boozy night now and then, but I am petrified to drink wine.
So I have been TERRIFIED to drink because I googled it and the big bad internet says you can get serotonin syndrome, where your serotonin spikes and you basically have a seizure or...worse.
Here's the thing. My crowd of friends in my neighborhood likes to drink sometimes. Wine and pizza on a Friday night, dinners out with amazing cocktails, et cetera. And honestly, I am tired of abstaining. I miss that nice buzzy feeling every so often. Not a lot. Maybe once a week.
Next month, a group of us are going on a weekend trip to New York, and I know everyone will be boozing it up at fun cocktail bars. I am honestly considering going off my medication so I can also have fun and stop thinking about this. OR maybe I can drink on it, and I'm being an idiot and paranoid?
I know other people who are on it who have been able to drink. My doctor said it wasn't an issue. Of course, I didn't press him about precise quantity, not wanting to look like a lush. And I am not a lush -- but, when we go out, it's not one drink. Its a few over the course of a night, and I'd love to do that again and let loose every so often.
So, I ask you: Do I go off the meds? (I am on a very low dose to begin with). Can I drink normally on them (get buzzed every now and then? -- I am not talking about doing body shots off a bar).
(I take it for mild depression/anxiety).