My mom thinks LO is teething. He's almost 3 months. He is drooling and sucking on his hands. He has been drooling lately, but finger sucking occurred from day one. He isn't overly fussy, but last night he fought sleep to practice rolling on his tummy and lifting his neck up. He is sucking extra hard when he nurses.

I looked up teething signs and read some old HB threads, but I'm just not sure if he is teething. I can't take him to his pediatrician because we are staying with my mom for two weeks. LO rejects a pacifier and I didn't bring any of the teethers he was gifted since teething usually starts at 7 months.

If your LO didn't like a pacifier would they take a teether? I'm wondering if I should just pick up a teether to test out if he is in fact teething.
