I’ve been on a rollercoaster the last week. I haven’t posted since my now almost five year old was born but figured I would check out these boards again ️
We are on an 18 month journey to have another child. We were set to start IUI in January. Monday 12/21 I went in for a hysteroscopy/
Polypectomy. As I was being wheeled into OR, surgery canceled due to positive HCG (I had a cycle start 12/16 and end 12/20, weird for me to be that short but I’ve been stressed). Went to fertility center for a beta.. came back as 71, progesterone 0.7 ish. Diagnosed as a chemical pregnancy. Went back two days later (12/23).. beta 252.4, progesterone still at 0.7 ish. Diagnosed as probably ectopic. Went 12/24 for another beta and ultrasound.. beta at 410.1, progesterone 0.93. Started having left side pain a few hours later. Consulted with my doctor and was told based on labs and ultrasound to do methotrexate. Got methotrexate 12/24. Went back today for repeat labs and ultrasound.. beta up to 1260, progesterone 4.02, increasing tenderness / sharp pains on lower left side into lower back. Ultrasound repeated, no obvious intrauterine pregnancy noted but a slight indication of “something” in uterus. Was sent down to MFM.. had a very long abdominal and TV ultrasound done by a tech and doctor.. large cyst noted on right ovary, a slight shadow of “something” in uterus, not believed to be a viable pregnancy, if pregnancy at all. Nothing significant aside from the right sided cyst noted elsewhere. The plan is to go again Wednesday for repeat labs, which should be going down at that point. I’m exhausted and frustrated. I’m told if this is intrauterine then it’s a “highly abnormal pregnancy”. Right now I’m deemed “pregnancy of unknown location”. I feel I really need this location identified so I can find peace. This has been such a wild ride.