So I've been exclusively pumping with LO2 since about day 2/3 of her life. I thought I was all prepared to nurse until a year this time after I stopped at 6/7 months with LO1 for other reasons. Then LO2 couldn't latch and we were told her palate was way too high to make it easy and comfortable for her. So I started pumping and soon had an oversupply that I could freeze.

She's now 7 months and my supply has gone down a bit. I've had to thaw a bag a day from the freezer to make sure she has enough everyday. That's discouraging but then I'm also so unsure about how long I want to go. Originally I had planned to go to a year but it's just so inconvenient. I have to make sure I can pump every so often and I feel like there are things we can't do as a family because of it.

But at the same time, I feel like I should go to a year, even if we supplement with a bottle or two a day of formula.

Any advice is welcome but I needed to get it out. I want to have the freedom that not pumping gives us but I don't want to feel like I failed LO2 or was selfish about it.