Okay so maybe this is an idiotic question, but can someone explain how you do bottles for MOTN wake ups? I'd like to start having DH do some of the feeds and I'm not sure at this point if he'll use pumped milk (which will require more pumping :-/) or formula.

Right now I'm EBF though we've used formula in the past. I nurse for all the night wakings and as much as it sucks to get up over and over, it's pretty easy. Pick up the baby, feed him, he falls asleep, put him back in the PnP.

But bottles seem much more difficult. How do you know how much to have on hand? DS might wake up twice, he might wake up 5 times. Do you heat the bottles? He used to be really good about taking cold bottles, but the last time we tried that in the middle of the night, he screamed bloody murder. How do you keep the baby from melting down in the time it takes to prepare a bottle?