DS has stayed home from school for the past week even though his preschool is open. DH has really stepped up to take care of him and they are having a great time together.

However, I still have to run back and forth to work most days to pick up and deliver equipment for my mental health agency. My mom lives with us and she’s still seeing patients in person. I’ve stopped at drive throughs a couple of times to get food, but I can’t shake the feeling that it’s super dangerous and I’ve made too many mistakes.

Luckily many people at my job are working from home, but people are also running around scrambling to get the equipment they need and I wish they weren’t. I’m doing everything I can to set up everything I need to ship to my house, but I’ll still need to drop off things at UPS. I’ll still need to go to the grocery store because Instacart is overbooked.

How are you guys dealing with this? I am so anxious that I’m stress sweating whenever I have to leave the house. I just feel awful.