My partner and I often have trouble when it comes to doing chores and doing them well. I'm the hyper-active chore-doer, and DH has a high tolerance for mess. At times, it overwhelms our relationship, so much that I can barely see straight.
This post is inspired by a comment from another forum. "Another tactic would be that each partner take the tasks they prefer to do, then divide up everything else based on who cares more about that task."
What do you do when one person is apathetic and in their perspective they're doing enough household work to contibute, and the other is left with doing the majority of the remaining tasks.
Is that just how it has to be, or does the 1-task partner have to compromise? What are some concrete tactics you all use to deal with this kind of thing?
- Do you have a conversation? How does it play out? How often do you have to have it?
- Do you take it all on yourself? What do you tell yourself or do to avoid resentment?
- Do you leave it be and lower your threshhold? What does it take to get there?